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Planktonic foraminiferal assemblage of the Yorktown Formation, Virginia, USA

January 1, 1992

Planktonic foraminifers from Coastal Plain deposits in southeastern Virginia provide biochronologic control and paleoceanographic information for the lectostratotype of the Yorktown Formation and type localities of its four members. Faunas recovered from six localities are consistent with faunas reported from the Yorktown in North Carolina and Yorktown correlatives (Duplin and Raysor Formations) from Georgia to North Carolina and support an age assignment between 3.0 and 4.0 Ma. Quantitative estimates of surface temperature based upon the planktonic foraminifer assemblages indicate winter conditions 3?? to 5??C warmer than today and summer conditions essentially equivalent to today during Yorktown deposition. -Authors

Publication Year 1992
Title Planktonic foraminiferal assemblage of the Yorktown Formation, Virginia, USA
Authors H.J. Dowsett, L.B. Wiggs
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Micropaleontology
Index ID 70017143
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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