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Florence Bascom Geoscience Center

The Florence Bascom Geoscience Center (FBGC) is at the leading edge of scientific research addressing critical societal issues and providing unbiased data and information to decision makers and the public. Our research center is built around five broad science themes: Paleoclimate & Paleoecology, Landscape Science, Geologic Mapping, Hazards, and Special Geologic Studies. 


Molluscan isotope sclerochronology in marine palaeoclimatology: Taxa, technique and timespan issues

Study of the accretionary biomineralised hardparts of organisms (sclerochronology) can make a useful contribution to palaeoclimatology. Ontogenetic sequences of isotopic data (δ18O and Δ47 values) from the shells of marine molluscs are a source of information on seasonal sea-surface temperatures that can be used for detailed and rigorous evaluation of the outputs of numerical climate...
Andrew Johnson, Bernd Schone, Sierra V. Petersen, Niels de Winter, Harry J. Dowsett, Jean-Francois Cudennec, Elizabeth Harper, Ian Winkelstern

Stratigraphic notes—Volume 2, 2025

This is the second volume in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) series of reports on stratigraphy entitled “Stratigraphic Notes,” which consists of short papers that highlight stratigraphic studies, changes in stratigraphic nomenclature, and explanations of stratigraphic names and concepts used on published geologic maps. “Stratigraphic Notes” is a long-term (multiyear), multivolume...

Pollen records, postglacial: Southeastern North America

Pollen records from the unglaciated southeastern region of North America provide an overview of biogeographic changes associated with vegetational migration northward following the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Changing insolation during the Holocene affected forest composition on the Coastal Plain, and rising sea level controlled the distribution of marsh and forested wetlands...
Debra A. Willard


Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Glaciated Regions Project

Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Glaciated Regions Project

Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Glaciated Regions Project

Quaternary Geologic Mapping of the Glaciated Regions Project
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Task 3 - Geologic Mapping of the (other) Non-Coalition Glaciated States

The area encompassed by Task 3 comprises the non-coalition (other) states within the glaciated region, including Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and New Jersey. The primary objective of Task 3 is to continue the compilation of existing and create new 1:500,000-scale Quaternary geologic maps for the region, and to conduct new 1:24,000-scale mapping in areas of...

Task 3 - Geologic Mapping of the (other) Non-Coalition Glaciated States

The area encompassed by Task 3 comprises the non-coalition (other) states within the glaciated region, including Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and New Jersey. The primary objective of Task 3 is to continue the compilation of existing and create new 1:500,000-scale Quaternary geologic maps for the region, and to conduct new 1:24,000-scale mapping in areas of...
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Task 2 - Geologic Mapping of the Great Lakes States

The area encompassed by Task 2 comprises the states that border the Great Lakes, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. The primary objective of Task 2 is to develop and improved understanding of the Quaternary geology of the Great Lakes region. This work involves a combination of both regional-scale studies and detailed (“cornerstone”)...

Task 2 - Geologic Mapping of the Great Lakes States

The area encompassed by Task 2 comprises the states that border the Great Lakes, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. The primary objective of Task 2 is to develop and improved understanding of the Quaternary geology of the Great Lakes region. This work involves a combination of both regional-scale studies and detailed (“cornerstone”)...
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