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Point count offsets for estimating population sizes of north American landbirds

December 7, 2022

Bird monitoring in North America over several decades has generated many open databases, housing millions of structured and semi-structured bird observations. These provide the opportunity to estimate bird densities and population sizes, once variation in factors such as underlying field methods, timing, land cover, proximity to roads, and uneven spatial coverage are accounted for. To facilitate integration across databases, we introduce NA-POPS: Point Count Offsets for Population Sizes of North American Landbirds. NA-POPS is a large-scale, multi-agency project providing an open-source database of detectability functions for all North American landbirds. These detectability functions allow the integration of data from across disparate survey methods using the QPAD approach, which considers the probability of detection (q) and availability (p) of birds in relation to area (a) and density (d). To date, NA-POPS has compiled over 7.1 million data points spanning 292 projects from across North America, and produced detectability functions for 338 landbird species. Here, we describe the methods used to curate these data and generate these detectability functions, as well as the open-access nature of the resulting database.

Publication Year 2023
Title Point count offsets for estimating population sizes of north American landbirds
DOI 10.1111/ibi.13169
Authors B.P.M. Edwards, A.C. Smith, T.D.S. Docherety, M.A. Gahbauer, C.R. Gillespie, A.R. Grinde, T. Harmer, D. Iles, Steven M. Matsuoka, N.L. Michel, N.L. Murray, G. Niemi, J. Pasher, D. Pavlacky, B. Robinson, B. Ryder, P. Solymos, D. Stralberg, E.J. Zlonis
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Ibis
Index ID 70240823
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center Ecosystems
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