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The Poor Man iron deposit, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska

January 1, 1944

The copper-bearing magnetite deposit, known as the Poor Nan prospect, which is on the Iron King No. 3 claim of James Coleman, is 2 miles northwest of the village of Kasaan (see fig. 1) and 35 miles northwest of Ketchikan, the nearest port. The deposit is within 2,000 feet of tidewater in an area ranging in altitude from 50 feet to 200 feet. Outcrops are confined to stream valleys and to prospect cuts and trenches. Most of the area is covered with a veneer of vegetation, glacial drift, and alluvium. The deposit has been explored by three short adits on the west side, four shafts along the east margin, numerous pits and trenches, and 13 drill holes (see fig. 2)

Publication Year 1944
Title The Poor Man iron deposit, Kasaan Peninsula, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska
DOI 10.3133/ofr4434
Authors L.A. Warner, M. S. Walton
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 44-34
Index ID ofr4434
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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