The Meridian-upper Wilcox aquifer consists of the Meridian Sand member of the Tallahatta Formation and the uppermost sand beds of the Wilcox Group. Thickness of the aquifer ranges from 50 ft to 500 ft. Precipitation recharges the Meridian-upper Wilcox in the outcrop area, which extends from Benton County, MS, in the north to Clarke County, MS, in the south. The potentiometric map is based on water level measurements made in about 170 wells in the Meridian-upper Wilcox aquifer in October 1983, and on the approximate altitudes of water surfaces in some major streams. The contours show altitudes at which water levels would have stood in tightly cased unpumped wells. This map, the second in the series for the Meridian-upper Wilcox aquifer, updates a map that delineated the potentiometric surface of the aquifer in 1979.