The potentiometric map of the Winona-Tallahatta aquifer is one of a series of maps, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources , Bureau of Land and Water Resources, delineating the potentiometric surfaces of the major aquifers in Mississippi. In the outcrop area of the Winona-Tallahatta aquifer the potentiometric surface is strongly affected by recharge from precipitation, by topography, and by drainage of the aquifer by streams. The potentiometric surface slopes downward generally to the west away from the area of outcrop and is strongly affected by recharge from precipitation, by topography, and by drainage of the aquifer by streams. The potentiometric surface slopes downward generally to the west away from the area of outcrop and is strongly affected by pumpage from wells in Leflore, Sunflower , and Bolivar Counties, Historically, water levels in or near the outcrop of the Winona-Tallahatta have shown little or no long-term changes, but the heavy withdrawals in the confined part of the aquifer have caused long-term water-level declines of 1 to 2 feet per year. (USGS)