Preliminary flood-frequency relations have been defined for small streams in Kansas for floods having recurrence intervals not greater than 10 years. The defined relations will be useful for the design of culverts and other hydraulic structures. The relations are expressed in terms of basin characteristics.
Peakflow records at 95 sites in Kansas for an 8-year period provided the basic data. The records were analyzed with respect to 20 basin characteristics by multiple-regression techniques. The resulting formulas relate flood magnitude and frequency to size of contributing drainage area, an index of stream-bed slope, and the average number of days per year when rainfall exceeded 1.0 inch. The other 17 factors had no statistical significance.
To illustrate a typical application of the flood-frequency relation, a step-bystep method is presented for computing a frequency curve for Rock Creek near Meriden, Kans. The frequency curve shows that a peak discharge of 3,620 cfs (cubic feet per second) can be expected once every 10 years on the average, and that the 67 percent confidence interval ranges from 1,820 cfs to 7,230 cfs. The large range results from the fact that only 8 years of record have been collected and emphasizes the need for collecting records for a longer period.