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Rapid pre-explosion increase in dome extrusion rate at La Soufrière, St. Vincent quantified from synthetic aperture radar backscatter

February 1, 2023

The extrusion rate of a lava dome is a critical parameter for monitoring silicic eruptions and forecasting their development. Satellite radar backscatter can provide unique information about dome growth during a volcanic eruption when other datasets (e.g., optical, thermal, ground-based measurements, etc.) may be limited. Here, we present an approach for estimating volcanic topography from individual backscatter images. Using data from multiple SAR sensors we apply the method to the dome growth during the 2021 eruption at La Soufrière, St. Vincent. We measure an average extrusion rate of 1.8 m3s−1 between December 2020 and March 2021 before an acceleration in extrusion rate to 17.5 m3s−1 in the 2 days prior to the explosive eruption on 9 April 2021. We estimate a final dome volume of 19.4 million m3, extrapolated from the SAR sensors, with approximately 15% of the total extruded volume emplaced in the last 2 days. A possible explanation for the acceleration in extrusion rate could be the combined emptying of a conduit and reservoir of older material before the ascent of gas-rich magma in April 2021.

Publication Year 2023
Title Rapid pre-explosion increase in dome extrusion rate at La Soufrière, St. Vincent quantified from synthetic aperture radar backscatter
DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117980
Authors Edna Dualeh, Susanna Ebmeier, Tim J. Wright, M. Poland, Raphael Grandin, Adam Stinton, M. Camejo-Harry, B. Esse, Mike Burton
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Index ID 70245160
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Volcano Science Center
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