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Recommendations for cowbird management in recovery efforts for the southwestern willow flycatcher

January 1, 2003

Three generations of mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) were fed either a control diet or a diet containing 0.5 ppm mercury in the form of methylmercury. The levels of mercury in adult tissues and eggs remained about the same over 3 generations. The methylmercury diet had no effect on adult weights or weight changes during the reproductive season. Females fed a diet containing 0.5 ppm mercury laid a greater percentage of their eggs outside their nestboxes than did controls, and also laid fewer eggs and produced fewer ducklings. Methylmercury in the diet appeared to result in a small amount of eggshell thinning. Ducklings from parents fed methylmercury were less responsive than, controls to tape-recorded maternal calls, but were hyper-responsive to a frightening stimulus in avoidance tests; there were no significant differences in locomotor activity in an open-field test.

Publication Year 2003
Title Recommendations for cowbird management in recovery efforts for the southwestern willow flycatcher
Authors S.I. Rothstein, B.E. Kus, M.J. Whitfield, S.J. Sferra
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Studies in Avian Biology
Index ID 1008355
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Western Ecological Research Center
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