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Reconnaissance of the ground-water resources of the upper Fremont River valley, Wayne County, Utah

January 1, 1969

This report presents the results of an investigation of the ground-water resources of the upper Fremont River valley, Utah, which was carried out during the period July 1966-June 1967, by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights. The purpose of the investigation was to determine: the source, occurrence, availability, approximate quantity, movement, and chemical quality of ground water in the valley; the recharge to and discharge from the ground-water reservoir; the extent and effects of use and development on the ground-water resources; the relation of ground water to streamflow; and if and where additional studies are needed. The report is concerned primarily with ground water in the valley fill and adjacent volcanic rocks and secondarily with the general hydrology of the upper Fremont River valley drainage basin.

The field investigation was made mostly during the summer and fall of 1966. Data were collected for 63 wells and 16 springs in the valley. Records for wells and springs are given in table 4; drillers' logs of selected wells are given in table 5, and well locations are shown in figure 5. All the wells (except a few small-discharge wells) and all major springs were visited. The specific conductance of water was determined at most wells and springs; chemical analyses were made of water from selected wells and springs. Conductance data are included in table 4 and chemical analyses are given in table 6. The yield of water from wells and the water levels or artesian pressures were measured or estimated. Water-level measurements were made at monthly intervals 6 at 10 selected wells. Altitudes of the land surface at wells and springs were estimated from topographic maps or by hand leveling or determined by altimeter. Aerial photographs were used in the field to locate wells, boundaries of meadows or cultivated areas, edge of valley fill, and other features.

Publication Year 1969
Title Reconnaissance of the ground-water resources of the upper Fremont River valley, Wayne County, Utah
Authors L.J. Bjorklund
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype Other Government Series
Series Title Technical Publication
Series Number 22
Index ID 70178843
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Utah Water Science Center
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