Two explosions were set off on 4 March 2008 at the N3 explosion site in northeastern Taiwan. The code name for the first shot with 3000 kg explosives is N3P and that for the second shot with 750 kg explosives is N3. To record these two explosions, 8 triaxial rotational sensors, 13 triaxial accelerometers, and 12 six-channel, 24 bit dataloggers with Global Positioning System receivers were deployed to continuously record several hours before and after the explosions. These instruments were installed at about 250 m (1 station), 500 m (11 stations), and 600 m (1 station) from the explosions. The 11 stations form a center array with station spacing of about 5 m.
Except for one rotational sensor, onscale records were obtained. Although the N3P shot used four times larger amounts of explosives than those used for the N3 shot, the peak ground translational acceleration and rotational velocity at the 13 station sites from the N3P shot are only about 1.5 times larger than those for the N3 shot. We also observed large variations (by tens of percent) of translational accelerations and rotational velocities at the center array with station spacing of about 5 m. The largest peak rotational velocity was observed for the x component: 2.74 and 1.75 mrad/sec at a distance of 254 m from the N3P and N3 shots, respectively.
The main purpose of this article is to document our recordings of rotational and translation motions from two explosions in Taiwan and to release the data online for open access. The translational acceleration data from this experiment have been analyzed by Langston et al. (2009), and we plan to submit an article with analysis of the rotational velocity data in the future.