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Selected data on characteristics of glacial-deposit and carbonate-rock aquifers, Midwestern Basin and Arches region

January 1, 1994
In 1988, the Geological Survey (USGS) began study to examine the hydrogeologic framework, ground-water-flow systems, water chemistry, and withdrawal response of aquifers in glacial deposits and carbonate rock in the Midwestern Basins and Arches Region in western Ohio and eastern Indiana. As part of this study, data from pumped-well tests and instantaneous-rechange tests (slug tests) of wells completed in the glacial-deposit and carbonate-rock aquifers were compiled from reports and information on file with State agencies, environmental consulting firms, drilling firms, municipalities, universities, and the USGS. The data, from 73 counties in Ohio and Indiana, were entered into a computerized data base in a spreadsheet format and subsequently into a geographic information system (GIS). Aquifer-characteristics data from this compilation include the results of 105 pumped-well tests and 39 slug tests in wells completed in glacial deposits, 174 pumped-well tests in wells completed in the carbonate-rock aquifer, and 4 slug tests in wells completed in limestones and shales of Ordovician age. Transmissivities from the pumped-well tests in wells completed in glacial till and glacial-deposit aquifers (sands and gravels) range from 1.54 to 69,700 feet squared per day. Storage coefficients or specific yields range from 0.00002 to 0.38 at these wells. Horizontal-hydraulic conductivities from the slug tests in wells completed in glacial-deposit aquifers range from 0.33 to 1,000 feet per day. Transmissivities from the pumped-well tests in wells completed in the carbonate-rock aquifer range from 70 to 52,000 feet squared per day. Storage coefficient or specific yields at these wells range from 0.00001 to 0.05. Horizontal hydraulic conductivities from the slug tests in wells completed in limestones and shales of Ordovician age range from 0.0016 to 12 feet per day. These data are summarized in tables and figures within this report. The collection and compilation of selected aquifer-characteristic data for the glacial-deposit and carbonate-rock aquifers within the Midwestern Basin and Arches Region of Shaver (1985) are an essential part of the Midwestern Basins and Arches Regional Aquifer-Systems Analysis (Midwestern Basins and Arches RASA) project of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Specifically, the data are needed to help describe ground-water flow in the regional aquifer system, which isone of the objectives of the Midwestern Basins and Arches RASA project (Bugliosi, 1990). To meet this objective, the Midwestern Basins and Arches RASA began subprojects in the Ohio and Indiana offices of the USGS to collect and compile available aquifer-characteristics data from aquifer tests of the glacial-deposit and carbonate-rock aquifers. The data were not reanalyzed to verify accuracy because of time constraints and insufficient data in many cases.
Publication Year 1994
Title Selected data on characteristics of glacial-deposit and carbonate-rock aquifers, Midwestern Basin and Arches region
DOI 10.3133/ofr93627
Authors R. L. Joseph, S. M. Eberts
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 93-627
Index ID ofr93627
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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