Hydrologic data were collected from wells in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, from 1990 to 1992, to better understand the hydrologic system in the valley. Most of the data collected are from 36 monitoring wells drilled in June and July 1990 and March and May 1991 using a hollow-stem auger. These wells range from 15.0 to 129.5 feet deep and are completed in the shallow unconfined aquifer, an underlying confining layer, or both. Data from public supply wells and other existing wells completed in aquifers below the confining layers near these monitoring wells are presented in order to compare data from those wells with data from the shallow unconfined aquifer and the underlying confining layers.
Field data collected from selected wells and drill holes include well-completion information, lithologic logs, and water-level and field water-quality measurements. Water samples collected from monitoring wells drilled in 1990 and 1991 and from selected existing wells were analyzed for inorganic constituents, trace metals in unfiltered water, volatile organic compounds, organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and radionuclides. Core samples were collected from selected monitoring wells drilled in 1990 and 1991 and analyzed for geochemical and geotechnical properties. Cation exchange capacity, carbon concentration, and the concentration of selected elements in core material are presented. Particle size, dry density, moisture content, porosity, hydraulic conductivity, initial void ratio, specific storage, and other properties determined for material in cores from selected monitoring wells also are listed.