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Selected test-well data from the MX-missile siting study, Tooele, Juab, Millard, Beaver, and Iron Counties, Utah

January 1, 1985

This report contains well data collected from 1979 to 1983 in a part of the Great Basin in western Utah (fig. 1). The area is characterized by a series of generally north-trending mountain ranges separated by alluviumfilled basins that are partially filled with sedimentary deposits eroded from the adjacent mountains and lacustrine sediments deposited by Lake Bonneville. Most of the intermountain basins are elongated in the northward direction, but some are almost equidimensional.

This report was prepared as part of the Great Basin Regional AquiferSystem Analysis (RASA) program. The report is intended to make well data from the MX-missile siting study readily available to water-resource managers and the general public. It includes well data obtained in areas for which little or no such data have been published previously.

Well-drilling and well-completion data were compiled by Ertec, Inc. (formerly Fugro National, Inc.) under contract with the U. S. Air Force. Those data along with aquifer test data, geophysical logs, and drillers1 or geologists1 logs were obtained from Ertec, Inc. under an agreement with the U.S. Air Force. The authors thank the officials of both Ertec, Inc. and the U.S. Air Force for their helpful cooperation.

The U.S. Geological Survey obtained accurate locations of the test wells (pi. 1) and accurate water-level measurements in those wells (table 1). Chemical analyses of water samples collected from several of the test wells drilled in the Sevier Desert have been published in a report by Enright and Holmes (1982, table 5).

Test drilling for the MX-missile siting study consisted of two parts, the verification phase and the water-resources phase. The verification jhase was designed to obtain information necessary for the design and construction of the MX-basing system. Numerous small diameter wells were bored with depths ranging from 92 to 205 feet. Two-inch diameter JVC casing with the bottom 20 feet perforated was installed in each borehole. The water-resources phase was designed to determine ground-water availibility and to estimate the effects of ground-water withdrawals required for the construction of the MX-basing system. Six large-diameter production test wells were drilled along with associated small-diameter observation wells. Depths ranged from 310 to 1,399 feet. Lithologic logs for selected production test wells or associated observation wells are listed in table 2. Geophysical logs and aquifer test data are available in the files of the U. S. Geological Survey, as indicated in table 1.

Publication Year 1985
Title Selected test-well data from the MX-missile siting study, Tooele, Juab, Millard, Beaver, and Iron Counties, Utah
DOI 10.3133/ofr85347
Authors James L. Mason, John W. Atwood, Priscilla S. Buettner
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 85-347
Index ID ofr85347
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Utah Water Science Center
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