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Sources of nitrate in water from springs and the Upper Floridan aquifer, Suwannee River basin, Florida

January 1, 1999

In the Suwannee River basin of northern Florida, nitrate-N concentrations are 1.5 to 20 mg 1-1 in waters of the karstic Upper Floridan aquifer and in springs that discharge into the middle reach of the Suwannee River. During 1996-1997, fertilizers and animal wastes from farming operations in Suwannee County contributed approximately 49% and 45% of the total N input, respectively. Values of ??15N-NO3 in spring waters range from 3.9??? to 5.8???, indicating that nitrate most likely originates from a mixture of inorganic (fertilizers) and organic (animal waste) sources. In Lafayette County, animal wastes from farming operations and fertilizers contributed approximately 53% and 39% of the total N input, respectively, but groundwater near dairy and poultry farms has ??15N-NO3 values of 11.0-12.1???, indicative of an organic source of nitrate. Spring waters that discharge to the Suwannee River from Lafayette County have ??15N-NO3 values of 5.4-8.39???, which are indicative of both organic and inorganic sources. Based on analyses of CFCs, the mean residence time of shallow groundwater and spring water ranges between 8-12 years and 12-25 years, respectively.

Publication Year 1999
Title Sources of nitrate in water from springs and the Upper Floridan aquifer, Suwannee River basin, Florida
Authors B. G. Katz, H.D. Hornsby, J.K. Böhlke
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title IAHS-AISH Publication
Index ID 70021045
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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