The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Program is an intergovernmental effort, involving a number of agencies, to reestablish and maintain the ecosystem of south Florida. One element of the restoration effort is the development of a firm scientific basis for resource decision making. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), one of the agencies, provides scientific information as part of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Program. The USGS began their own program, called the South Florida Ecosystem Program, in fiscal year 1995 for the purpose of gathering hydrologic, cartographic, and geologic data that relate to the mainland of south Florida, Florida Bay, and the Florida Keys and Reef ecosystems.
Management of the south Florida ecosystem involves the use of hydrologic models that simulate the flow of water through the region. As sheetflow is reestablished by flow management in the wetlands of the Everglades, it is expected that changes will also be reflected in the amount of freshwater exiting the mainland through the principal streams or as sheetflow into Florida Bay. Several agencies, including the USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), are planning to use hydrologic models to simulate and predict the flows into Florida Bay and the circulation patterns within the bay itself. These models can then be used to determine the effects that management of the inland water system will have on the amount of freshwater the bay receives from the mainland. This project will provide modelers with essential flow and specific conductance data along the mangrove zone where data have not been previously available.