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Stream geomorphic and habitat data from a baseline study of Underwood Creek, Wisconsin, 2012

December 7, 2015

Geomorphic and habitat data were collected along Underwood Creek as part of a larger study of stream water quality conditions in the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area. The data were collected to characterize baseline physical conditions in Underwood Creek prior to a potential discharge of wastewater return flow to the stream from the city of Waukesha, Wis. Geomorphic and habitat assessments were conducted in the summer and fall of 2012 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. The assessments used a transect based, reach scale assessment at a total of eight reaches—six reaches along Underwood Creek and two reaches along the Menomonee River upstream and downstream of its confluence with Underwood Creek. The reach scale assessment was an updated version of the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program habitat assessment integrated with an intensive geomorphic assessment. Channel cross sections and longitudinal profiles were surveyed along each of the eight reaches, and discharge and water temperature were measured. Additionally, a geomorphic river walk-through was completed along a 10 kilometer reach that spanned the individual assessment reaches and the sections of channel between them. The assessments and river walk-through described channel and bank stability, channel shape and size, sediment and riparian conditions along these areas of Underwood Creek and the Menomonee River. Since the time of the data collection, focus has turned to other Lake Michigan tributary watersheds for possible Waukesha return-flow discharges; however, the data collected for this effort remains a valuable asset for the baseline characterization, design, and prioritization of planned stream rehabilitation activities in Underwood Creek. The data files presented in this report include a variety of formats including geographic information system files, spreadsheets, photos, and scans of field forms.

A subset of habitat-specific data collected during the baseline study can be retrieved through USGS BioData

Publication Year 2015
Title Stream geomorphic and habitat data from a baseline study of Underwood Creek, Wisconsin, 2012
DOI 10.3133/ds947
Authors Benjamin M. Young, Faith A. Fitzpatrick, James D. Blount
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Data Series
Series Number 947
Index ID ds947
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Wisconsin Water Science Center
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