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Upper Midwest Water Science Center

Welcome to the Upper Midwest Water Science Center’s (UMid) Website. We offer information on streamflow, water quality, water-use, and groundwater data for Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. We conduct unbiased, scientific hydrologic investigations and research projects to effectively manage the Upper Midwest's and our Nation's water resources through joint efforts with our partners.


Upper Midwest Water Science Center Products Published Summer 2024

Upper Midwest Water Science Center Products Published Summer 2024

USGS Measures Flooding Across Eastern Minnesota

USGS Measures Flooding Across Eastern Minnesota

Art Illuminates the Grand Canyon: Exploring the Environmental Puzzle

Art Illuminates the Grand Canyon: Exploring the Environmental Puzzle


Development of a large-volume concentration method to recover infectious avian influenza virus from the aquatic environment

Since late 2021, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus have caused a record number of mortalities in wild birds, domestic poultry, and mammals in North America. Wetlands are plausible environmental reservoirs of avian influenza virus; however, the transmission and persistence of the virus in the aquatic environment are poorly understood. To explore environmental contamination with t
Laura E. Hubbard, Erin A. Stelzer, Rebecca L. Poulson, Dana W. Kolpin, Christine M. Szablewski, Carrie E Givens

Data and knowledge gaps of a water bottling facility inventory and select water-use dataset, United States

In 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey developed a national inventory of water bottling facilities for the United States, including information about locations, water sources, water use, and a collection of other attributes. The purpose of the inventory was to provide information about water bottling facilities needed to assess and improve understanding of local-, regional-, and national-scale hydrol
Carol L. Luukkonen, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Gary R. Martin, Allegra E. Johnson Mckee

Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are invasive species that alter ecosystems and food webs with the potential to affect aquatic mercury cycling and bioaccumulation in fishes, although the effect of zebra mussels on fish tissue mercury has not been tested in inland lakes. We assessed differences in fish tissue mercury concentrations and food webs in Minnesota lakes with and without zebra mussels
Naomi S. Blinick, Denver Link, Tyler D. Ahrenstoroff, Bethany J. Bethke, Abram B. Fleishman, Sarah E. Janssen, David P. Krabbenhoft, Jenna K.R. Nelson, Heidi M. Rantala, Claire L. Rude, Gretchen J.A. Hansen


Statewide Assessment of Iowa Streams Links Landscape Characteristics to Antibiotic Resistance Signatures

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists conducted the first statewide assessment of antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), and antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) in streams (water column and bed sediment samples) across Iowa. Results indicated that ARB and ARGs were prevalent, and a combination of watershed characteristics (such as land use, livestock population, and human population)...

Statewide Assessment of Iowa Streams Links Landscape Characteristics to Antibiotic Resistance Signatures

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists conducted the first statewide assessment of antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), and antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) in streams (water column and bed sediment samples) across Iowa. Results indicated that ARB and ARGs were prevalent, and a combination of watershed characteristics (such as land use, livestock population, and human population)...
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Great Lakes Water Authority Detroit Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program

The Great Lakes Water Authority Detroit Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program provides current and accurate water quality data to track progress toward water quality standard milestones and document long-term trends.

Great Lakes Water Authority Detroit Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program

The Great Lakes Water Authority Detroit Regional Water Quality Monitoring Program provides current and accurate water quality data to track progress toward water quality standard milestones and document long-term trends.
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Bacteriological Research Core Technology Team

About the Research The Michigan Bacteriological Research Laboratory (MI-BaRL) Core Technology Team (CTT) as part of the Environmental Health Program uses a wide array of traditional and modern molecular approaches to evaluate microbial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance pathways in the environment. The scientists use these approaches to advance the understanding of how environmental...

Bacteriological Research Core Technology Team

About the Research The Michigan Bacteriological Research Laboratory (MI-BaRL) Core Technology Team (CTT) as part of the Environmental Health Program uses a wide array of traditional and modern molecular approaches to evaluate microbial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance pathways in the environment. The scientists use these approaches to advance the understanding of how environmental...
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