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Structural evolution of the Ural-Tian Shan junction: A view from Karatau ridge, South Kazakhstan

January 1, 2009
The deformation history of the Late Palaeozoic Ural-Tian Shan junction is discussed for the example of the Karatau ridge in southern Kazakhstan. Three deformation events are recognized. The Late Carboniferous D1 event is characterized by Laramide-style thrust-and-fold structures on the southern margin of Kazakhstan with shortening in a NE-SW direction. The Latest Permian and Triassic D2 event is controlled by compression in an east-west direction, which reflects collisional deformation in the Urals. The main structures are submeridional folds and north-west-striking sinistral strike-slip faults. The Triassic D3 event with shortening in a north-south direction reflects collision of the Turan microcontinent against the southern margin of Kazakhstan. The main structures are north-west-striking dextral strike-slip faults. Our new data provides important clues for the reconstruction of pre-Cretaceous structures between the Urals and the Tian Shan. ?? 2008 Acad??mie des sciences.
Publication Year 2009
Title Structural evolution of the Ural-Tian Shan junction: A view from Karatau ridge, South Kazakhstan
DOI 10.1016/j.crte.2008.12.004
Authors D.V. Alexeiev, H. E. Cook, V.M. Buvtyshkin, L.Y. Golub
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Comptes Rendus - Geoscience
Index ID 70035737
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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