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Summary of records of surface waters at stations on tributaries in lower Colorado River Basin, 1888-1938

January 1, 1947

This report presents summaries of records of discharge at gaging stations on tributaries in the Lower Colorado River Basin. The lower Colorado River Basin as used in this report is the "lower basin" defined in the Colorado River Compact, as that part of the Colorado River Basin below a point 1 mile downstream from the mouth of Paria River. Records for Paria River, also included in this report, when combined with those for Colorado River at Lees Ferry show the flow at the point of division between the upper and lower basins.

This report and water-Supply Paper 918, "Summary of Records of Surface waters at Base Stations in Colorado River Basin, 1891-1938", furnish a complete compilation of all records of surface waters collected by the Geological Survey in the Lower Colorado River Basin prior to October 1, 1938, and contain all stream-flow records collected in Arizona prior to that date. Records for 16 gaging stations, which are base stations on tributaries and canals, are given in both reports.

Publication Year 1947
Title Summary of records of surface waters at stations on tributaries in lower Colorado River Basin, 1888-1938
DOI 10.3133/wsp1049
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water Supply Paper
Series Number 1049
Index ID wsp1049
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization California Water Science Center; Utah Water Science Center
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