Suspended sediment and trace element transport in the Big River downstream from the Old Lead Belt in southeastern Missouri, 2018–21
Lead Belt, an area of major lead mining from the 1860s until 1972 where more than 8.5 million tons of lead were mined. After active mining ceased, the effects of mining activities persisted in the Big River system because of large mine waste pile erosion, and floodplain sediment and streambank contamination along several tributaries and the main stem of the Big River. Lead-contaminated streambed and floodplain sediments extend more than 90 miles from the Old Lead Belt to the confluence of the Big River with the Meramec River. The waste piles and mine-waste contaminated streambed and floodplain sediments have been sources of high concentrations of several trace elements, primarily cadmium, lead, and zinc. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 has made several efforts to prevent further erosion of contaminated sediments into the Big River including the capping of major mine waste piles, reclaiming sediment deposits along the floodplains, and monitoring soil conditions of croplands and residential properties.
A cooperative effort began in 2011 between the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 to characterize suspended sediment quantity and quality in the Big River downstream from the Old Lead Belt as reclamation activities in the drainage basin progressed. The study was completed in two phases, and each phase included continuous stage, turbidity, and water temperature monitoring at the Big River below Bonne Terre, Missouri, streamgage and sampling station. Periodic suspended sediment samples also were collected manually (discrete samples) during base flow and selected stormflow events. Continuous streamflow, turbidity, and discrete suspended sediment data were used to develop regression models to compute daily suspended sediment concentrations and loads. During both phases, the discrete stormflow event samples were also evaluated to determine particle size distribution and concentrations of select trace elements. Phase one was completed from October 2011 through September 2013, and phase two, which is the primary focus of this report, was completed from October 2018 through September 2021. Phase two also included time-integrated suspended sediment samples collected using passive samplers. Discrete samples (collected during stormflow events) and passive samples were analyzed for concentrations of barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc in two sediment size fractions (when possible) to estimate trace element loads. Suspended sediment concentrations and loads and select trace element concentration results computed during phase one were compared to those computed during phase two to identify trends in the Big River Basin during the full study period.
The concentrations of cadmium, lead, and zinc in nearly all discrete stormflow event suspended sediment samples and passive suspended sediment samples exceeded the threshold effect concentrations and the probable effect concentrations, which are two sediment quality guidelines. Most samples also exceeded the toxic effect threshold, the level at which sediment is considered to be heavily contaminated and problematic for sediment-dwelling organisms. Bulk cadmium concentrations (median of 7.90 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) exceeded the toxic effect threshold (3.0 mg/kg) in 17 discrete stormflow event samples, and bulk lead concentrations (median of 1,070 mg/kg) exceeded the toxic effect threshold (170 mg/kg) in all 18 discrete stormflow event samples. Bulk zinc concentrations (median of 500 mg/kg) exceeded the toxic effect threshold (540 mg/kg) in eight discrete stormflow event samples. Bulk concentrations of these trace elements in passive suspended sediment samples were slightly greater, with concentrations of cadmium (median of 14.0 mg/kg) and lead (median of 1,860 mg/kg) exceeding the toxic effect threshold in all 18 samples. Bulk concentrations of zinc (median of 733 mg/kg) exceeded the toxic effect threshold in 15 passive samples. Compared to phase one (water years 2012–13), phase two (water years 2019–21) concentrations of lead and cadmium in the fine fraction of discrete suspended sediment samples collected at Big River below Bonne Terre were statistically similar; concentrations of barium and zinc were statistically smaller in samples collected during phase two (water years 2018–21).
Sediment quality data from passive samples and daily mean suspended sediment loads from the regression model were used to calculate annual oads of barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc at the Bonne Terre streamgage. Water year 2019 had the largest loads of barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc (58.6, 1.43, 194, and 76.5 tons, respectively). The total loads of barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc for phase two (water years 2019–21) were 149, 4.00, 520, and 213 tons, respectively. Less than 5 percent of the total lead load calculated for the study period was transported when daily mean streamflow was less than 455 cubic feet per second, which is the approximate flow at which the passive samplers were inundated and began sampling. This highlights that most of the lead load is transported during stormflow events and the effectiveness of using passive samplers for ongoing monitoring of the Big River.
Annual suspended sediment loads at the Bonne Terre streamgage computed using the regression model were 113,000 tons in water year 2019, 83,400 tons in water year 2020, and 96,500 tons in water year 2021. The event-based suspended sediment loads for the eight sampled stormflow events ranged from 45.3 to 32,500 tons. Although only a portion of all stormflow events during phase two were sampled, the loads accounted for during these eight stormflow events represented approximately 30.9 percent of the total suspended sediment load calculated for the study period, confirming that a large part of suspended sediments continue to be transported in the Big River during stormflow events. Event-based loads of barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc were greatest during the stormflow events sampled in January 2020 (event 4) and March 2021 (event 8). Event-based loads calculated for event 4 for barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc were 17.1, 0.206, 27.2, and 14.5 tons, respectively. During event 8, an estimated 15.6 tons of barium, 0.239 tons of cadmium, 34.0 tons of lead, and 13.6 tons of zinc were transported in suspended sediments. The continued high concentrations of lead in suspended sediments in the Big River, despite reclamation activities, is likely because of the continual transport from streambed and stream banks of lead-enriched sediment, which remain in the system from historical mining activities.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2024 |
Title | Suspended sediment and trace element transport in the Big River downstream from the Old Lead Belt in southeastern Missouri, 2018–21 |
DOI | 10.3133/sir20245085 |
Authors | Kendra M. Markland, Camille E. Buckley |
Publication Type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Series Title | Scientific Investigations Report |
Series Number | 2024-5085 |
Index ID | sir20245085 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |
USGS Organization | Central Midwest Water Science Center |