In 1986, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Putnam County, NY Department of Health, reviewed and compiled all available well information and aerial photographs to plot: (1) the locations of the wells and springs currently on file with USGS, and (2) the thickness and potential well yield of the stratified deposits in the county. These deposits consist either of glacial sand and gravel that lie primarily in glacially enlarged valleys, or of recent accumulations of clay, sand, and organic material on flood plains and within local depressions. Plate 1 shows the locations of all wells and springs in the area that are currently on file in USGS 's computerized data base; both bedrock wells and wells that tap till or stratified material are included. Also shown are the locations and depths of the wells, the reported depth to bedrock and yield, and the yield of all springs. Plate 2 shows the thickness of the stratified deposits as determined from logs of wells that were drilled through it; plate 3 shows the amount of water that a stratified deposit may be expected to yield to a new well. These estimates are based on the reported yields of the compiled wells. (Lantz-PTT)