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The toxicity of p,p'-DDT to the clapper rail

January 1, 1975

The LC50 (concentration of toxicant in the diet expected to kill half of the test birds in 5 days) for p,p' -DDT in clapper rails (Rallus longirostris) was found to be 1,612 ppm for males and 1,896 ppm for females. Amounts of DDT + DDD in the brains of birds that died were significantly greater (P < 0.01) than those in the brains of survivors. Thirty ppm DDT + DDD approximated the lower limit of these compounds in the brains of rails diagnostic of death from DDT poisoning. Residues in livers and carcasses are reported. Considering the relatively high resistance of the clapper rail to DDT poisoning, we concluded that exposure to this pesticide in marshes is not likely to be a significant factor in mortality of adult rails. Effects other than direct mortality were not evaluated in this study.

Publication Year 1975
Title The toxicity of p,p'-DDT to the clapper rail
Authors A. Van Velzen, J.F. Kreitzer
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Wildlife Management
Index ID 5221345
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
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