The results of three base-flow studies conducted on Otter and Rosebud Creeks during 1977, 1978, and 1983 are summarized and compared to assess the variability of base-flow magnitude and water quality during years of widely different precipitation. Chemical analyses for springs in these basins also are presented to provide and indication of the areal and temporal variability of groundwater quality. Base-flow magnitudes in Otter and Rosebud Creeks vary considerably in response to precipitation of the previous year. Maximum observed differences in base-flow magnitudes between the study years were 3.8 cu ft/sec in Otter Creek and 53 cu ft/sec in Rosebud Creek. Predominant ions of base streamflow are sodium, magnesium, and sulfate in Otter Creek and magnesium, calcium, sodium, sulfate, and bicarbonate in Rosebud Creek. Dissolved solids concentrations varied considerably, with maximum differences between study years of about 1,200 mg/L in Otter Creek and about 3,200 mg/L in Rosebud Creek. The ionic composition of springs in the Otter and Rosebud Creek basins is generally similar to that of the streams. Dissolved solids concentrations of the springs vary largely throughout each basin; however, there was little variability between sampling years at individual springs.