ScienceBase Data Release Training for USGS Authors and Data Managers
The USGS Science Data Management Branch will be hosting two upcoming training events for USGS authors and data managers. The first will be our general ScienceBase data release training and the second will be training on how to revise a data release in ScienceBase. Please share this email with other researchers at your science center.
The USGS Science Data Management Branch will be hosting two upcoming training events for USGS authors and data managers. The first will be our general ScienceBase data release training and the second will be training on how to revise a data release in ScienceBase. Please share this email with other researchers at your science center.
ScienceBase Data Release Training
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at 12:00pm ET / 10:00am MT
Presented by: Ricardo McClees-Funinan and Madison Langseth, Science Data Management
Do you need to create a data release but don't know how to get started? Has it been a while since you've released data through ScienceBase and need a refresher? The USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis' ScienceBase Data Release Team will be hosting a virtual training event that will provide an overview of the data release requirements and how to get started with releasing data through ScienceBase. A separate training for revising data releases in ScienceBase will take place on July 27, 2023. Please email the ScienceBase Data Release Team ( to receive the calendar invitation for either training.
ScienceBase Data Release Revision Training
Thursday, July 27, 2023, at 12:00pm ET / 10:00am MT
Presented by: Amanda Liford, Science Data Management
Are you planning a data release that may require revisions in the future? Do you have a current data release that you need to revise? Do you have a need for a dynamic data release? The USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis' ScienceBase Data Release Team will be hosting a virtual training event that will provide an overview of the Fundamental Science Practices data release revision guidance, how to revise a data release in ScienceBase, and the process of completing a dynamic data release. If you are new to the ScienceBase data release process, please consider attending the general ScienceBase data release training in addition to this revision training. Please email the ScienceBase Data Release Team ( to receive the calendar invitation for either training.
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