Overview of ListingAnalyst
ListingAnalyst version 1.3 is a Windows® program for viewing the main output file from MODFLOW-2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-LGR, MODFLOW-CFP, MODFLOW-OWHM, or MODFLOW 6. It organizes and displays large files quickly without using excessive memory. The sections and subsections of the file are displayed in a tree-view control, which allows the user to navigate quickly to desired locations in the files. ListingAnalyst gathers error and warning messages scattered throughout the main output file and displays them all together in an error and a warning tab. A grid view displays tables in a readable format and allows the user to copy the table into a spreadsheet. The user can also search the file for terms of interest.
Download Current Version of ListingAnalyst
- Release History
- 32-bit version of ListingAnalyst for 32- or 64-bit versions of Windows.
- 64-bit version of ListingAnalyst for 64-bit versions of Windows.
How to Cite ListingAnalyst
This USGS software has two citations associated with it.
- The report citation is for the original report or article documenting the underlying theory, methods, instructions, and (or) applications at the time the initial version of the software was released. This digital object identifier (DOI) is for the report.
- The software release citation is for the software/code itself (now referred to by USGS as a "Software Release") and references a specific version of the code and associated release date. This DOI links to the code.
In instances where an author is citing use of this software, it would be appropriate to cite both the report documenting the code and the specific software release version that was used.
Report Citations for ListingAnalyst
Winston, R. B., and Paulinski, Scott. 2013. ListingAnalyst: A Program for Analyzing the Main Output File from MODFLOW. Ground Water. doi:10.1111/gwat.12054.
Software/Code Citation for ListingAnalyst
Winston, R. B., and Paulinski, Scott. 20240. ListingAnalyst Version 1.3. U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 04 June 2020, doi:10.5066/P9O0IL7V
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Citation Information
Publication Year | 2024 |
Title | ListingAnalyst |
Product Type | Software Release |
Record Source | USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog |