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MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM)

December 8, 2022

DocumentationProgram History | Downloads | Superseded Versions | Publications


The MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM; Boyce and others, 2020Hanson and others, 2014) is a MODFLOW-2005 based integrated hydrologic model designed for the analysis of conjunctive-use management. The term “integrated” refers to the tight coupling of groundwater flow, surface-water flow, landscape processes, aquifer compaction and subsidence, reservoir operations, and conduit (karst) flow. This fusion results in a simulation software capable of addressing water-use and sustainability problems, including conjunctive-use, water-management, water-food-security, and climate-crop-water scenarios.

As a second core version of MODFLOW-2005, MF-OWHM maintains backward compatibility with existing MODFLOW-2005 versions. Existing models developed using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005), MODFLOW-NWT (Niswonger and others, 2011), MODFLOW-SWI (Bakker and others, 2013), MODFLOW-SWR (Hughes and others, 2012), MODFLOW-LGR (Mehl and Hill, 2013), and MODFLOW-CFP (Shoemaker and others, 2008) can also be simulated using MF-OWHM. The Farm Process (Schmid and Hanson, 2009) is part of MF-OWHM, but the FMP4 input structure is not backward compatible (see the FMP_Template). 

A overview of the MODFLOW framework and its descendants
The MODFLOW-2005 framework branched into multiple specialized versions that are combined form the MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM). This fusion of the MODFLOW-2005 variants and MF-OWHM specific enhancements enable MODFLOW to simulate conjunctive use management (modified from Boyce and others, 2020).

Physical processes simulated include: 

One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model cross section
One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW Based Conjunctive-Use Simulation Software (Boyce and others, 2020). (Public domain.)
  • Saturated groundwater flow (three-dimensional) 

  • Surface-water flow (one- and two-dimensional) 

    • Stream and river flow 

    • Lake and reservoir storage 

  • Landscape simulation and irrigated agriculture 

    • Land-use and crop simulation 

    • Root uptake of groundwater 

    • Precipitation 

    • Actual evapotranspiration 

    • Runoff 

    • Infiltration 

    • Estimated irrigation demand 

  • Reservoir operations 

  • Aquifer compaction and subsidence by vertical model-grid deformation 

  • Seawater intrusion by a sharp-interface assumption 

  • Karst-aquifer and fractured-bedrock flow 

  • Turbulent and laminar-pipe network flow 

  • Unsaturated groundwater flow (one-dimensional) 

  • Internal linkages among the processes that couple hydraulic head, flow, and deformation. 



  • The official USGS reports describe the theory and input instructions at the time the distributions were first released. If you use of this software, please cite the reports in any associated publications and reports.

    Boyce, S.E., 2022, MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software, version 2.2.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release,            

    Boyce, S.E., Hanson, R.T., Ferguson, I., Schmid, W., Henson, W., Reimann, T., Mehl, S.M., and Earll, M.M., 2020, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A60, 435 p.,

    Hanson, R.T., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, Wolfgang, Hughes, J.D., Mehl, S.M., Leake, S.A., Maddock, Thomas, III, and Niswonger, R.G., 2014, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A51, 120 p.,

  • Online MODFLOW-OWHM v1 User's Guide:

    Packages and processes often evolve over time. The User's Guide includes the most up-to-date input instructions and related details.


Program History

Version Highlights

MF-OWHM v2.2 introduced a ZoneBudget v3.2 and includes enhancements to the Farm Process (FMP), Newton Solver (NWT), Head Observation (HOB), Subsidence package (SUB), and the Basic package (BAS). 


MF-OWHM v2.1 introduced the Surface Water Operations (SWO) process for dynamic reservoir operations and S Interpretive Language (Slang) for Customizable User Input. 


MF-OWHM v2.0 is the second major release of MF-OWHM. This version involved a total rewrite of the Farm Process (FMP), inclusion of the Conduit Flow Process (CFP Shoemaker and others, 2008), and modifications that improved all the base MODFLOW packages. 


MF-OWHM v1.0 was the first major release of MF-OWHM that is a unification of the many separate versions of MODFLOW that have evolved for various classes of hydrologic issues. In addition to this, modifications were made to the MF2005 source code that improve stability, accuracy and make the resulting software more "user friendly". MF-OWHM v1.00 is now considered legacy code with minimal support. 

Version Information and Notes



General Information

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Software Downloads


Superseded Versions

The following software is not actively supported by the USGS. The software has been superseded by MODFLOW-OWHM Version 2. The software versions below are provided online for historical reference only, and the pages may contain outdated information or broken links.


Publications Involving MODFLOW-OWHM

Basic Documentation and Code publications

  • Boyce, S.E., Hanson, R.T., Ferguson, I., Schmid, W., Henson, W., Reimann, T., Mehl, S.M., and Earll, M.M., 2020, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model: A MODFLOW based conjunctive-use simulation software: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A60, 435 p.,
  • Hanson, R.T., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, Wolfgang, Hughes, J.D., Mehl, S.M., Leake, S.A., Maddock, Thomas, III, and Niswonger, R.G., 2014, One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MODFLOW-OWHM): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A51, 120 p.,
  • Hanson, R.T., and Schmid, Wolfgang, 2013, Economic resilience through “One-Water” Management: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1175, 2 p.
  • Hanson, R.T., Kauffman, L.K., Hill, M.C., Dickinson, J.E., and Mehl, S.W., 2013, Advective transport observations with MODPATH-OBS—Documentation of the MODPATH observation process, using four types of observations and Predictions: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 6–chap. A42, 94 p.
  • Maddock III, T., Baird, K.J., Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, and Ajami, H., 2012, RIP-ET: A Riparian Evapotranspiration Package for MODFLOW-2005, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6-A39 p. 39 (
  • Schmid, Wolfgang, and Hanson R.T., 2009, The farm process version 2 (FMP2) for MODFLOW-2005—Modifications and upgrades to FMP1: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques in Water Resources Investigations, book 6, chap. A32, 102 p.
  • Schmid, W., Hanson, R.T., Maddock III, T.M., and Leake, S.A., 2006, User’s guide for the farm process (FMP) for the U.S. Geological Survey’s modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model, MODFLOW-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 6–A17, 127 p.
  • Schmid, W., 2004, A Farm Package for MODFLOW-2000: Simulation of Irrigation Demand and Conjunctively Managed Surface-Water and Ground-Water Supply; PhD Dissertation: Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, The University of Arizona, 278 p.


Application Bibliography

Highlighted Publications

  • Traylor, J.P., Mashburn, S.L., Hanson, R.T., and Peterson, S.M., 2021, Assessment of water availability in the Osage Nation using an integrated hydrologic-flow model: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5141, 96 p.,
  • Alattar, M., Troy, T., Russo, T. and Boyce, S. E., 2020, Modeling the surface water and groundwater budgets of the US using MODFLOW-OWHM. Advances in Water Resources, 143, p. 103682,
  • Hanson, R.T., Ritchie, A.B., Boyce, S.E., Galanter, A.E., Ferguson, I.A., Flint, L.E., Flint, A., and Henson, W.R., 2020, Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5120, 186 p.,


  • Ritchie, A.B., Galanter, A.E., Flickinger, A.K., Shephard, Z.M., and Ferguson, I.M., 2022, Update and recalibration of the Rio Grande Transboundary Integrated Hydrologic Model, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5045, 28 p.,
  • Traum, J.A., Teague, N.F., Sweetkind, D.S., and Nishikawa, T., 2022, Hydrologic and geochemical characterization of the Petaluma River watershed, Sonoma County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5009, 217 p.,
  • Azeref, B. G., & Bushira, K. M., 2020, Numerical groundwater flow modeling of the Kombolcha catchment northern Ethiopia. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 6(2), 1233-1244.
  • Ebrahim, G.Y., Villholth, K.G., Boulos, M., 2019, Integrated hydrogeological modelling of hard-rock semi-arid terrain: supporting sustainable agricultural groundwater use in Hout catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa, Hydrogeology Journal, 17p.,
  • Hevesi, J. A., Henson, W. R., Hanson, R. T., & Boyce, S. E., 2019, Integrated hydrologic modeling of the Salinas River, California, for sustainable water management. SEDHYD 2019 Conference.
  • Mohammed, K., 2019, MODFLOW-Farm Process Modeling for Determining Effects of Agricultural Activities on Groundwater Levels and Groundwater Recharge, J. Soil Groundwater Environ. Vl. 24, No. 5, p. 17-30,
  • Rossetto, R., De Filippis, G., Triana, F., Ghetta, M., Borsi, I., Schmid, Wolfgang, 2019, Software tools for management of conjunctive use of surface- and groundwater in the rural environment: integration of the Farm Process and the Crop Growth Module in the FREEWAT platform: Agricultural Water Management, Vol 223, No. 105717, 18p. (
  • Ritchie, A.B., Hanson, R.T., Galanter, A.E., Boyce, S.E., Damar, N.A., and Shephard, Z.M., 2018, Digital hydrologic and geospatial data for the Rio Grande transboundary integrated hydrologic model and water-availability analysis, New Mexico and Texas, United States, and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
  • Bushira, K. M., Hernandez, J. R., & Sheng, Z., 2017, Surface and groundwater flow modeling for calibrating steady state using MODFLOW in Colorado River Delta, Baja California, Mexico. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 3(2), 815-824.
  • Borsi, I., Rossetto, R., Cannata, M., De Filippis, G., & Ghetta, M., 2016, Open Source for Water Management: including capabilities of MODFLOW-OWHM in the FREEWAT GIS modelling environment (No. e2209v2). PeerJ Preprints.
  • Ferguson, I.M.., Llewellyn, D., Hanson, R.T., and Boyce S.E., 2016, User guide to the surface water operations process—An integrated approach to simulating large-scale surface water management in MODFLOW-based hydrologic models: Denver, Colo., Bureau of Reclamation Technical Memorandum no. 86-68210–2016-02, 96 p.
  • Fowler, K.R., Jenkins, E.W., Parno, M. , Chrispell, J.C., Col´on, A.I., and Hanson, R.T., 2016, Development and Use of Mathematical Models and Software Frameworks for Integrated Analysis of Agricultural Systems and Associated Water Use Impacts: AIMS Agriculture and Food, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 208–226, DOI: 10.3934/agrfood.2016.2.208 (
  • Boyce, S.E., Nishikawa, T., and Yeh, W.G., 2015, Reduced order modeling of the Newton formulation of MODFLOW to solve unconfined groundwater flow: Advances in Water Resources, 83, pp. 250-262.
  • Boyce, S.E., 2015, Model Reduction via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Transient Confined and Unconfined Groundwater-Flow: PhD Dissertation, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles, 64p.
  • Doble, Rebecca C., and Crosbie, Russell S., 2015, Towards best practice for modeling recharge and evapotranspiration in shallow groundwater environments, MODFLOW-OWHM: MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling a Complex World – Integrated Modeling to Understand and Manage Water Supply, Water Quality, and Ecology, pp. 22 – 26
  • Faunt, C.C., Stamos, C.L., Flint, L.E., Wright, M.T., Burgess, M.K., Sneed, Michelle, Brandt, Justin, Coes, A.L., and Martin, Peter, 2015, Hydrogeology, Hydrologic Effects of Development, and Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Borrego Valley, San Diego County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific-Investigations Report 2015-5150, 154 p.
  • Ferguson, I.A., and Llewellyn, D., 2015, Simulation of Rio Grande Project Operations in the Rincon and Mesilla Basins: Summary of Model Configuration and Results, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Technical Memorandum No. 86-68210–2015-05, 56p.
  • Fowler, K., R., Jenkins, E.W., Ostrove, C., Chrispell, J.C., Farthing, M.W., Parnoe, M., 2015, A decision making framework with MODFLOW-FMP2 via optimization: determining trade-offs in crop selection: Environmental Modelling and Software, v. 69, p. 280-291,
  • Hanson, R.T., Traum J., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, W., Hughes, J.D, W. W. G., 2015, Examples of Deformation-Dependent Flow Simulations of Conjunctive Use with MF-OWHM. Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (NISOLS), Nagoya, Japan, 6p.
  • Hanson, R.T., Chávez-Guillen, R., Tujchneider, O., Alley, W. M., Rivera, A., Dausman, A., Batista, L., y Espinoza, M., 2015, Conocimientos Científico Básico y Técnico Necesarios para la Evaluación y el Manejo de SAT (Basic Scientific and Technical Knowledge Required for the Evaluation and Management of SAT), en Estrategia Regional para la Gestión de los Sistemas de Acuíferos Transfronterizos (SAT) en las Americas (Regional Strategy for the Management of Transboundary Aquifers Systems in the Americas), UNESCO/OEA--ISARM AMERICAS Book IV, A. Rivera ed., 205p., UNESCO, Paris, France.
  • Knight, J.A., 2015, Use of an Integrated Hydrologic Model to Assess the Effects of Pumping on Streamflow in the Lower Rio Grande, Master’s Thesis, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona, 117p.
  • Mehl, S., Houk, E., Morgado, K., Reid, N., and Anderson, K., 2015, Agricultural Water Transfers in Northern California: Effects on Aquifer Declines, Energy, and Food Production: MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling A Complex World - Integrated GroundWater Modeling Center, Golden, Colorado, May 31–June 3, 2015, p. 121-123.
  • Nava, A.P., Villanueva, C.C., Villarreal, F.C., Hanson, R.T., and Boyce, S.E., 2015, A New Integrated Hydrologic Model for Mexico Valley, Mexico City, Mexico. MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling A Complex World - Integrated GroundWater Modeling Center, Golden, Colorado, May 31–June 3, 2015, p. 148.
  • Phillips, S.P., Rewis, D.L., and Traum, J.A., 2015, Hydrologic model of the Modesto Region, California, 1960–2004: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 2015–5045, 69 p.,
  • Turnadge C.J., and Lamontagne S., 2015, A MODFLOW–based approach to simulating wetland–groundwater interactions in the South East region of South Australia, MODSIM2015 conference, 29/11/15–04/12/15, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia.
  • Turnadge C.J., and Lamontagne S., 2015, A MODFLOW-based approach to simulating wetland–groundwater interactions in the Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area, Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 15/12, Adelaide, South Australia.
  • Zeiler, Kurt K., Bitner, Robert J., Krausnick, Marie, Weaver, Jeffery D., and Foged, Nathan, 2015, Sub-Regional Groundwater Flow Modeling of the Upper Big Blue Basin Using the MODFLOW-2005 Farm Process, MODFLOW-OWHM: MODFLOW and More 2015: Modeling a Complex World – Integrated Modeling to Understand and Manage Water Supply, Water Quality, and Ecology, pp. 64 – 69
  • Hanson, R. T., and Sweetkind, Donald, 2014, Cuyama Valley, California hydrologic study -- An assessment of water availability: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2014-3075, 4 p.,
  • Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, Faunt, C.C., Lear, Jonathan, Lockwood, B., and Harich, C., 2014, Integrated hydrologic model of Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5111, 166 p.
  • Hanson, R.T., Lockwood, B., and Schmid, Wolfgang, 2014, Analysis of projected water availability with current basin management plan, Pajaro Valley, California: Journal of Hydrology, v. 519, p. 131–147.
  • Hanson, R.T., Flint, L.E., Faunt, C.C., Gibbs, D.R., and Schmid, W., 2014, Hydrologic models and analysis of water availability in Cuyama Valley, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5150, 151 p.
  • Boyce, S.E., and Yeh, W.G., 2014, Parameter-independent model reduction of transient groundwater flow models: Application to inverse problems, Advances in Water Resources, 69, pp. 168–180,
  • Russo, T.A, Fisher, A.T., and Lockwood, B.S., 2014, Assessment of Managed Aquifer Recharge Site Suitability Using a GIS and Modeling, Ground Water, pp.1-12, doi: 10.1111/gwat.12213
  • Schmid, Wolfgang, Hanson, R.T., Hughes, J., Leake, S.A., and Niswonger, R., 2014, Feedback of land subsidence on the movement and conjunctive use of water resources: Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 62, pp. 253-270,
  • Traum, J.A., Phillips, S.P., Bennett, G.L., Zamora, Celia, and Metzger, L.F., 2014, Documentation of a groundwater flow model (SJRRPGW) for the San Joaquin River Restoration Program study area, California: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5148, 151 p.,
  • Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, Knight, Jake, and Maddock III, T., 2013, Integrated Hydrologic Modeling of a Transboundary Aquifer System — Lower Rio Grande: MODFLOW and More 2013: Translating Science into Practice, Golden, CO, June 2-6, 2013, 5p.
  • Harter, T., and Morel-Seytoux, H., 2013, Peer review of the IWFM, MODFLOW and HGS Model Codes: Potential for water management applications in California’s Central Valley and other irrigated groundwater basins: Final Report, California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum, 112 p., Sacramento, California (
  • Quinn, N., Wainwright, H., Jordan, P., Zhou, Q., Birkholzer, J., 2013, Potential Impacts of Future Geological Storage of CO2 on the Groundwater Resources in California’s Central Valley, Simulations of Deep Basin Pressure Changes and Effect on Shallow Water Resources, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Final Project Report to the California Energy Commission, 111p. (
  • Schmid, Wolfgang, Ali, Riasat, 2013, Application of the Farm Process to land-use change scenarios of the Lake Nowergup MODFLOW model. In: IAH 2013, 15–20 September, 2013, Perth. International Asssociation of Hydrogeologists, 2013. p. 84-85.
  • Hanson, R.T., Flint, L.E., Flint, A.L., Dettinger, M.D., Faunt, C.C., Cayan, D., and Schmid, Wolfgang, 2012, A method for physically based model analysis of conjunctive use in response to potential climate changes: Water Resources Research, v. 48, 23 p., doi:10.1029/2011WR010774
  • Liu, T. and Luo, Y., 2012, An empirical approach simulating evapotranspiration from groundwater under different soil water conditions: Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences, 11 p. (DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1577-3)
  • Russo, T.A, 2012, Hydrologic System Response to Environmental Change: Three Case Studies in California, PhD Dissertation, Department of Earth Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz, 56p.
  • Faunt, C. C., Hanson, R. T, Martin, P., Schmid, Wolfgang, 2011, Planned Updates and Refinements to the Central Valley Hydrologic Model, with an Emphasis on Improving the Simulation of Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, pp. 864-870, 2011, ASCE
  • Porta, L., Lawson, P., Brown, N., Faunt, C., and Hanson R. 2011. Application of the Central Valley Hydrologic Model to Simulate Groundwater and Surface-Water Interaction in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Poster presentation at the California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum Annual Meeting. Pacific Grove, California.
  • Schmid, Wolfgang, Dogrul , E.C., Hanson, R.T., Kadir, T.N., and Chung, F.I., 2011, Comparison of Simulations of Land-use Specific Water Demand and Irrigation Water Supply by MF-FMP and IWFM: California Department of Water Resources Technical Information Record TIR-2, 80p.
  • Hanson, R.T., Flint, A.L., Flint, L.E., Faunt, C.C., Schmid, Wolfgang, Dettinger, M.D., Leake, S.A., Cayan, D.R., 2010, Integrated simulation of consumptive use and land subsidence in the Central Valley, California, for the past and for a future subject to urbanization and climate change, paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (EISOLS), Queretaro, Mexico, IAHS Publ. 339, pp. 467-471.
  • Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, Faunt, C.C., and Lockwood, B., 2010, Simulation and analysis of conjunctive use with MODFLOW’s Farm Process: Ground Water v. 48, no. 5, p. 674–689. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00730.x)
  • Faunt, C.C., ed., 2009, Groundwater availability of the Central Valley Aquifer, California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1766, 225 p.
  • Faunt, C.C., Hanson, R.T., Belitz, Kenneth, and Rogers, Laurel, 2009, California’s Central Valley Groundwater Study: A Powerful New Tool to Assess Water Resources in California's Central Valley: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3057, 4 p. (
  • Schmid, W., King, J.P., and Maddock III., T.M., 2009, Conjunctive Surface-Water / Ground-Water Model in the Southern Rincon Valley using MODFLOW-2005 with the Farm Process, prepared for the Elephant Butte Irrigation District, Las Cruces, NM; New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Completion Report No. 350.
  • Schmid, W., King, J.P., and Maddock, T.M., III, 2009, Conjunctive surface-water/ground-water model in the southern Rincon Valley using MODFLOW-2005 with the farm process: Las Cruces, N. Mex., New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Technical Report, no. 350.
  • Faunt, CC, Hanson, RT, Schmid, W, Belitz, K, 2008, Application of MODFLOW’s Farm Process to California’s Central Valley, Modflow and More—Ground Water and Public Policy Conference Proceedings, 496-500, 2008.
  • Hanson, R.T., Schmid, Wolfgang, Leake, SA, 2008, Assessment of Conjunctive Use Water-Supply Components Using Linked Packages and Processes in MODFLOW: Modflow and More–Ground Water and Public Policy, Golden, Colorado, 5 p.
  • Hanson, R.T, Schmid, Wolfgang, Lear, Jonathan, Faunt, Claudia C, 2008, Simulation of an Aquifer-Storage-and-Recovery (ASR) System for Agricultural Water Supply using the Farm Process in MODFLOW for the Pajaro Valley, Monterey Bay, California, Modflow and More—Ground Water and Public Policy, pp. 501-505.
  • Schmid, W, Hanson, RT, Faunt, CC, Phillips, SP, 2008, Hindcast of water availability in regional aquifer systems using MODFLOW’s Farm Process,Hydropredict 2008 Conference Proceedings, pp. 311-314.
  • Schmid, W., and Hanson, R.T., 2007, Simulation of Intra- or Trans-Boundary Water-Rights Hierarchies using the Farm Process for MODFLOW-2000, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management , Vol. 133, No. 2, pp. 166-178 (DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2007)133:2(166))
  • Schmid, W., Hanson, R.T., Maddock III, T., 2006, Overview and Advancements of the Farm Process for MODFLOW-2000, Modflow and More - Managing Ground-Water Systems, Golden, Colorado, pp. 23-27.
  • Tillery, S., and King, J.P., 2006, MODFLOW-2000 farm package case study: Southern Rincon Valley, New Mexico: Technical Report prepared for the Las Cruces, N. Mex., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Mexico State University, Department of Civil & Geological Engineering.

Code Comparisons

  • Department of Water Resources. 2020. Draft Handbook for Water Budget Development: With or Without Models (Water Budget Handbook). Sacramento, CA: California Department of Water Resources. 446 pp. Available online at:
  • Borden, C., Gaur, A., and Singh, C, 2016, Water Resource Software – Application overview and Review: World Bank, South Asia Water Initiative, March, 2016, 76p.California
  • Moran, Tara, 2016, PROJECTING FORWARD A Framework for Groundwater Model Development Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act: Stanford Water in the West, November, 2016, 56 p.,
  • Harter, T., and Morel-Seytoux, H., 2013, Peer review of the IWFM, MODFLOW and HGS Model Codes: Potential for water management applications in California’s Central Valley and other irrigated groundwater basins: Final Report, California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum, 112 p., Sacramento, California (
  • Dogrul , E.C., Schmid, Wolfgang, Hanson, R.T., Kadir, T.N., and Chung, F.I., 2011, Integrated Water Flow Model and Modflow-Farm Process: A Comparison of Theory, Approaches, and Features of two Integrated Hydrologic Models: California Department of Water Resources Technical Information Record, TIR-1, 80p.
  • Schmid, Wolfgang, Dogrul , E.C., Hanson, R.T., Kadir, T.N., and Chung, F.I., 2011, Comparison of Simulations of Land-use Specific Water Demand and Irrigation Water Supply by MF-FMP and IWFM: California Department of Water Resources Technical Information Record TIR-2, 80p.
Publication Year 2022
Title MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM)
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
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