Version 1.3.01 release now available
Scoops3D evaluates slope stability throughout a digital landscape represented by a digital elevation model (DEM). The program uses a three-dimensional (3D) method of columns limit-equilibrium analysis to assess the stability of many potential landslides (typically millions) within a user-defined size range. For each potential landslide, Scoops3D assesses the stability of a rotational, spherical slip surface encompassing many DEM cells. It provides the least-stable potential landslide for each DEM cell in the landscape, as well the associated volumes and (or) areas.
The user's manual includes: the theoretical basis for the slope-stability analysis, requirements for constructing a 3D domain, a detailed operational guide and input/output file specifications, practical considerations for conducting an analysis, results of verification tests, and multiple examples illustrating the capabilities of Scoops3D.
- Simple graphical user interface (Scoops3D-i)
- Easy integration of input/output files with Geographical Information System (GIS) software
- Subsurface material layers or full 3D distribution of material properties
- Pore pressure effects with piezometric surfaces or full 3D distributions of pore pressures or pressure heads
- 3D variably saturated pressure heads or pore pressures, including the effects of unsaturated suction stresses
Download complete installation package including software and documentation (recommended).
Easy-to-install software packages for Windows or Macintosh operating systems, includes Scoops3D, Scoops3D-i, and Scoops3D manual:
- ReadMe file (updated to v1.3.01 on May 15, 2023)
- Windows install package (updated to v1.3.01 on May 15, 2023)
- Mac install disk image
Download individual components of Scoops3D package.
- Scoops3D user's manual
- Scoops3D examples described in Chapter 7 of the Scoops3D manual
Compiled code for Scoops3D for use at command line. Does not include Scoops3D-i.
- 64-bit Windows Version (updated to v1.3.01 on May 15, 2023)
- Mac Version (64-bit)
- Scoops3D Fortran source code (updated to v1.3.01 on May 15, 2023)
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- Reid, M.E., Sisson, T. W., and Brien, D. L., 2001, Volcano collapse promoted by hydrothermal alteration and edifice shape, Mount Rainier, Washington: Geology, v.29, n.9, p. 779-782.
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- Reid, M.E., Brien, D.L., and Waythomas, C.F., 2010, Preliminary slope-stability analysis of Augustine Volcano, chapter 14 of Power, J.A., Coombs, M.L., and Freymueller, J.T., eds., The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1769, p. 321–332.
- Reid, M.E., Keith, T.E.C., Kayen, R.E., Iverson, N.R., Iverson, R.M., and Brien, D.L., 2010, Volcano collapse promoted by progressive strength reduction: new data from Mount St. Helens: Bulletin of Volcanology, v. 72, p. 761-766.
- Reid, M.E., Christian, S.B., Brien, D.L., and Henderson, S.T., 2015, Scoops3D: Software to analyze three-dimensional slope stability throughout a digital landscape: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 14, chap. A1.
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- Finn, C.A., Deszcz-Pan, M., Ball, J.L., Bloss, B.J., and Minsley, B.J., 2018, Three-dimensional geophysical mapping of shallow water saturated rocks at Mount Baker, Washington: Implications for slope stability: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 357, p. 261-275.
- Ma, C., 2018, Comparing and evaluating two physically-based models: OPENLISEM and Scoops3D, for landslide volume prediction, MS thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
- Tran, T.V., Alvioli, M., Lee, G., An, H.U., 2018, Three-dimensional, time-dependent modeling of rainfall-induced landslides over a digital landscape: a case study: Landslides, 15(6):1071-1084.
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Citation Information
Publication Year | 2022 |
Title | Scoops3D |
Product Type | Software Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |