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VMT Hydroacoustics Software

July 20, 2021


VMT is a Matlab-based software for processing and visualizing ADCP data collected along transects in rivers or other bodies of water. VMT allows rapid processing, visualization, and analysis of a range of ADCP datasets and includes utilities to export ADCP data to files compatible with ArcGIS, Tecplot, and Google Earth. The software can be used to explore patterns of three-dimensional fluid motion through several methods for calculation of secondary flows (e.g. Rhoads and Kenworthy, 1998; Lane et al., 2000). The software also includes capabilities for analyzing the acoustic backscatter and bathymetric data from the ADCP. A user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) enhances program functionality and provides ready access to two- and three- dimensional plotting functions, allowing rapid display and interrogation of velocity, backscatter, and bathymetry data.

Parsons, D.R., Jackson, P.R., Czuba, F.L., Engel, F.L., Rhoads, B.L., Oberg, K.A., Best, J.L., Mueller, D.S., Johnson, K.K., and Riley, J.D., 2013, Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 38, no. 11, 17 p.,

Depth-averaged currents and distribution of near-surface specific conductance in coastal Lake Erie, OH
Depth-averaged currents and distribution of near-surface specific conductance in coastal Lake Erie in the vicinity of Villa Angela Beach and Euclid Creek, Ohio on September 11, 2012 Produced in VMT using data from a TRDI 600 KHz Rio Grande ADCP and supplementary specific conductance data from an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) that completed a simultaneous three-dimensional survey.
Depth-averaged velocity & primary & secondary velocities of River
Depth-averaged velocity and primary and secondary velocities (Rozovskii definition) in the confluence of the White and Wabash Rivers along the Illinois and Indiana border, January 12, 2008. Produced in VMT using data from a TRDI 1200 KHz Rio Grande ADCP and additional formatting using Adobe Illustrator.


Version Status Changes and Known Issues
4.09 Recommended July 15, 2018 -Requires Matlab Runtime Libraries Version 9.0, 64-bit version New functionality includes:
-Renamed the ASCII2GIS tool to the GIS Export Tool and enabled SonTek support.
-Revised the Batch Mode tool to enable SonTek support -Revised and improved the User Guide
-Fixed several small bugs VMT compiled as a ZIP file. To install, extract ZIP file contents to a folder on the user's machine, and run VMT.exe. USGS Site Administrators: VMT and the Matlab Runtime libraries 2015b (9.0) are available via SCCM.
4.08 Allowed -Requires Matlab Runtime Libraries Version 9.0, 64-bit version
-Upgraded the Excel Output functionality, and fixed an associated bug (See GitHub Issue #6)
-Modified the self-installer to allow users to install VMT even if the MCR is not installed (See GitHub Issue #8)
-Added full-featured support for SonTek M9/S5 ADCPs
-Added support for TDRI RiverPro ADCP (testing) -Added time averaging support (internal computations)
-Changed near-bed interpolation method for TDRI data (when SonTek support was first introduced, VMT changed the interpolation scheme, resulting in excessive censoring of near
-bed data for TDRI ADCPs)
-Added ability to manually override the start bank of the Mean Cross-section
-Added a height above the bed (HAB) depth reference (typically not needed)
-Fixed improper handling of ADCP ensemble times (See GitHub Issue #3)
-Fixed several minor bugs
-Compiled in Matlab 2015b
4.07 Allowed VMT now uses a self-installer!
-Requires Matlab Runtime Libraries Version 7.17, 32-bit version (even on 64-bit operating systems)
-Updated Excel output to include smoothed variables (i.e. same as plots)
-Added info about smoothing/spacing ground distance to log window
-Added ability to change WSE for each transect in batch tool
-Added figure customization tool/dialog
-Added ability to plot vorticity quantities
-New Height above Bottom plotting reference (for flat/artificial beds)
-Minor bug fixes and tweaks
Note: This version has some known bugs related to processing SonTek data. Not recommended for M9 or S5 measurements.
4.06 Allowed -Requires Matlab Runtime Libraries Version 7.17, 32-bit version (even on 64-bit operating systems)
-Works with all TDRI ADCPs
-Limited support for SonTek ADCPs
-Includes new support for editing figure colors, fonts, etc.
-Includes other bug fixes and feature tweaks noted in feedback from the Velocity Mapping and Bathymetry with ADCPs class (SW2782)


Software/Firmware Status Definitions

Required Minimum: Minimum version required. This version has proven stable and may contain enhancements that are significant over previous required versions.

Recommended: Shown to have been reliable and contains features that result in a recommended upgrade over the required version. There could be a few specific use cases where this version may have issues that would result in some users not using this version. If so, those cases will be noted.

Allowed*: Deemed reliable during initial testing. Any issues will be noted along with improvements available over prior versions. Use of allowed versions may be desired in cases when the changes benefit a significant number of the user's conditions or equipment. For example: a new version of software is released that adds support for new hardware. If the user has this hardware, they would need to upgrade to the newer software before it becomes recommended or required. Use of these versions by experienced users will also help OSW identify any unknown issues.

Testing*: OSW is currently testing; any known issues or advantages over prior release will be noted. The use of a version that is in testing should usually be limited to advanced users that can trouble shoot potential issues and provide feedback on any irregularities or problems observed.

Do Not Use: A version either prior to the required minimum or that contains issues that significantly affect operations.

*Note: A version may remain in Allowed or Testing indefinitely. Example: A new version is released while the prior version is still in Testing. In this case the prior version may remain in Testing, while future testing efforts are placed on the newer version.


How to Download the Software

The software is available both as compiled executables and source code. To access the compiled executables, click the links in the table below. The source code is housed in a GitHub repository, available here as a ZIP archive. To install, extract the contents of the ZIP file, ensuring that the folder structure in the file is preserved, and start VMT.m in Matlab version 2012a or newer. Note that to enable full functionality of VMT in source code mode, you will need the Mapping Toolbox license in your distribution of Matlab.

Using the Software and Tutorials

The following resources are available for using the VMT software.


Training: Velocity Mapping and Bathymetry with ADCPs

This week-long class is designed to provide ADCP users familiar with discharge measurements with the skills, resources, and techniques necessary for velocity mapping and bathymetry surveys with an ADCP. Students will learn how to plan and execute surveys through several days of classroom and field work. Students will learn to process the data they collected and visualize and export it in a range of formats for delivery to cooperators, modelers, and the general public.

Class Information: For details on the class, or to sign up for the next class session, see the links below or contact Ryan JacksonKevin Oberg, or Frank Engel.


Selected References

Parsons, D.R., Jackson, P.R., Czuba, F.L., Engel, F.L., Rhoads, B.L., Oberg, K.A., Best, J.L., Mueller, D.S., Johnson, K.K., and Riley, J.D., 2013, Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 38, no. 11, 17 p.,

Lane, S.N., Bradbrook, K.F., Richards, K.S., Biron, P.M., and Roy, A.G., 2000, Secondary circulation cells in river channel confluences: Measurement artefacts or coherent flow structures?: Hydrololgical Processes, vol. 14, no. 11-12, p. 2047- 2071.

Rhoads, B.L., and Kenworthy, S.T.,1999, On secondary circulation, helical motion and Rozovskii-based analysis of time-averaged two-dimensional velocity fields at confluences: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 24, no. 4, p 369-375.


Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Publication Year 2021
Title VMT Hydroacoustics Software
Product Type Software Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
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