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Types of Water

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The Water Cycle

The water cycle describes where water is on Earth and how it moves. Human water use, land use, and climate change all impact the water cycle. By understanding these impacts, we can work toward using water sustainably.

The Water Cycle

The water cycle describes where water is on Earth and how it moves. Human water use, land use, and climate change all impact the water cycle. By understanding these impacts, we can work toward using water sustainably.
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Water Basics Questions & Answers

The Earth is covered in water. We find it in the air, under the ground, in our bodies, and most noticeably on Earth's surface. With so much water around us we might begin to ask all the where, when, and why's about water.

Water Basics Questions & Answers

The Earth is covered in water. We find it in the air, under the ground, in our bodies, and most noticeably on Earth's surface. With so much water around us we might begin to ask all the where, when, and why's about water.
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Humans cannot drink saline water but saline water can be made into freshwater, for which there are many uses. The process is called "desalination", and it is being used more and more around the world to provide people with needed freshwater.


Humans cannot drink saline water but saline water can be made into freshwater, for which there are many uses. The process is called "desalination", and it is being used more and more around the world to provide people with needed freshwater.
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Water Basics Information by Topic

Water is everywhere, from huge oceans to invisible water molecules making up water vapor in the air. But how much water is there on, in, above, and below the Earth, and where is it located? Use the topics below to explore the basic concepts and facts about water.

Water Basics Information by Topic

Water is everywhere, from huge oceans to invisible water molecules making up water vapor in the air. But how much water is there on, in, above, and below the Earth, and where is it located? Use the topics below to explore the basic concepts and facts about water.
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Water Basics Photo Gallery

Learn about water science using pictures.

Water Basics Photo Gallery

Learn about water science using pictures.
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Где находятся воды Земли? Where is Earth's Water? (Russian)

Где находятся воды Земли? «Вода, вода, одна вода…» Вы слышали эту фразу и, что касается воды, то она действительно везде. Воды Земли присутствуют (почти) повсюду: над поверхностью Земли — в воздухе, облаках, — а также на поверхности Земли — в реках, океанах, льдах, растениях и в живых организмах. Russian translation courtesy of EduTranslator - Научные работы со всего мира, Где находятся воды Земли...

Где находятся воды Земли? Where is Earth's Water? (Russian)

Где находятся воды Земли? «Вода, вода, одна вода…» Вы слышали эту фразу и, что касается воды, то она действительно везде. Воды Земли присутствуют (почти) повсюду: над поверхностью Земли — в воздухе, облаках, — а также на поверхности Земли — в реках, океанах, льдах, растениях и в живых организмах. Russian translation courtesy of EduTranslator - Научные работы со всего мира, Где находятся воды Земли...
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Surface Water Information by Topic

Surface water is the most recognizable part of the water cycle that we can see. Lakes and rivers may be the first types of surface water that come to mind but don't forget those snowbanks in your front yard! We think of oceans when we think of surface water but did you remember to add glaciers to your list? The Water Science School has plenty to teach you about the different types of surface water...

Surface Water Information by Topic

Surface water is the most recognizable part of the water cycle that we can see. Lakes and rivers may be the first types of surface water that come to mind but don't forget those snowbanks in your front yard! We think of oceans when we think of surface water but did you remember to add glaciers to your list? The Water Science School has plenty to teach you about the different types of surface water...
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Groundwater True/False Quiz

How much do you know about the water below your feet? Take our Groundwater True/False Quiz and find out.

Groundwater True/False Quiz

How much do you know about the water below your feet? Take our Groundwater True/False Quiz and find out.
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Groundwater: What is Groundwater?

There is an immense amount of water in aquifers below the earth's surface. In fact, there is a over a thousand times more water in the ground than is in all the world's rivers and lakes. Here we introduce you to the basics about groundwater.

Groundwater: What is Groundwater?

There is an immense amount of water in aquifers below the earth's surface. In fact, there is a over a thousand times more water in the ground than is in all the world's rivers and lakes. Here we introduce you to the basics about groundwater.
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Saline Water and Salinity

In your everyday life you are not involved much with saline water. You are concerned with freshwater to serve your life's every need. But, most of Earth's water, and almost all of the water that people can access, is saline, or salty water. Just look at the oceans and remember that oceans comprise about 97% of all water on, in, and above the Earth.

Saline Water and Salinity

In your everyday life you are not involved much with saline water. You are concerned with freshwater to serve your life's every need. But, most of Earth's water, and almost all of the water that people can access, is saline, or salty water. Just look at the oceans and remember that oceans comprise about 97% of all water on, in, and above the Earth.
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Raindrops are Different Sizes

You've seen a light mist hanging in the air before. And you've had "full sized" water drops splash you in the face, too. So, raindrops are different sizes, but why? Find out below.

Raindrops are Different Sizes

You've seen a light mist hanging in the air before. And you've had "full sized" water drops splash you in the face, too. So, raindrops are different sizes, but why? Find out below.
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Glaciers and Icecaps

Glaciers are a big item when we talk about the world's water supply. Almost 10 percent of the world's land mass is currently covered with glaciers, mostly in places like Greenland and Antarctica. You can think of a glacier as a frozen river, and like rivers, they "flow" downhill, erode the landscape, and move water along in the Earth's water cycle.

Glaciers and Icecaps

Glaciers are a big item when we talk about the world's water supply. Almost 10 percent of the world's land mass is currently covered with glaciers, mostly in places like Greenland and Antarctica. You can think of a glacier as a frozen river, and like rivers, they "flow" downhill, erode the landscape, and move water along in the Earth's water cycle.
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