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Stakeholder and Science Needs

The USGS conducts collaborative stakeholder-driven science so communities can become more resilient to the impacts of...

  • earthquake shaking and land-level changes,
  • tsunami inundation,
  • landslides and liquefaction,  and
  • volcanic eruptions, lahars, and ash clouds.

Linking Stakeholder and Science Needs

Stakeholder Needs Products Science Needs
Guidance for building design codes, retrofitting prioritization, urban planning, evacuation routing. Neighborhood-scale hazard and risk assessments. onshore and offshore, high-resolution, 3-D characterizations of topography and subsurface Earth structure.
Improved mitigation strategies. Science-based simulations and scenarios Assessments of impacts to linked natural systems (flooding, erosion, sedimentation, wildlife habitats). Histories of past events from geologic field and laboratory studies. Computer models simulating linked processes.
Improved mitigation strategies. Warning systems. Multidisciplinary onshore and offshore monitoring systems.
Tools for safer, faster, more efficient, and effective response and recovery. Near real-time situational awareness maps, imagery, messages. Post-event, frequently updated forecasts over days to months. Rapidly acquired satellite and surface measurements.

The USGS has a strong tradition of leveraging its assets by partnering with a wide range of public and private-sector institutions. Partnering to advance subduction zone science gives rise to new discoveries, technologies, and capabilities that save lives and property. A comprehensive list of partners and their subduction zone-related activities is included in the Appendices of USGS Circular 1428 "Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide — A Plan to Advance Subduction Zone Science". Partners are also listed under the Partners section of the website.

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