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Alexander H Kiser, PhD

Alexander (Alex) Kiser, PhD, is a Research Biologist at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center on the Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Team.

Alex's research interests focus on quantitative ecology and creating repeatable systematic methods for determining priority conservation and restoration areas. During his PhD at Texas A&M University, Alex worked on creating species distribution models of threatened and imperiled mussel species to identify priority conservation areas. His Master's degree from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Alex focused on the valuation of ecosystem services provide by restored wetlands under the Wetland Reserve Program-Agricultural Conservation Easement Program. While completing his Bachelor's degree from the University of Georgia, Alex worked with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to modify Brook Trout habitat and conduct population assessments of wild trout streams in the Chattahoochee National Forest. Since joining the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center, Alex has worked to apply his grid-based distribution models on a tidal and non-tidal joint study assessing land use impacts on the distribution or riverine and estuary aquatic species in the Patuxent River. 

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