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Andrew J Barbour, Ph.D.

I'm a research geophysicist in the Induced Seismicity group. My research focuses on improving our understanding of how stress changes from natural and anthropogenic sources (i.e., earthquake rupture and/or fluid injection) lead to deformation, seismicity patterns, fluid flow, and pore pressure in the Earth's crust. I am particularly interested in observations near active fault systems.


Contact me ( for a copy of any of these papers. See also my Google Scholar page:

34. Wang, S., Jiang, G., Lei, L., Barbour, A. J., Tan, X., Xu, C., and X. Xu, Three Mw≥4.7 earthquakes within the Changning (China) shale gas field ruptured shallow faults intersecting with hydraulic fracturing wells, in review

33. Fan, W., Barbour, A. J., Huang, Y., Lin, G., Cochran, E. S., and J. J. McGuire, Very low frequency earthquakes in between the seismogenic zone and the tremor zone in Cascadia, in review

32. Materna, K., Barbour, A. J., Jiang, J., and M. Eneva, A Decade of Crustal Deformation and Aseismic Slip at the North Brawley Geothermal Field, in review

31. Barbour, A. J., and N. M. Beeler (2021), Teleseismic Waves Reveal Anisotropic Poroelastic Response of Wastewater Disposal Reservoir, Earth and Planetary Physics, 5(4), DOI: 10.26464/epp2021034

30. Jiang, G., Liu, L., Barbour, A. J., Yang, H., and R. Lu (2021), Physics-based Evaluation of the Maximum Magnitude of Potential Earthquakes Induced by the Hutubi (China) Underground Gas Storage, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB021379, DOI: 10.1029/2020JB021379

29. Barbour, A. J., J. O. Langbein, and N. S. Farghal (2021), Earthquake Magnitudes from Dynamic Strain, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 111 (3), DOI: 10.1785/0120200360

28. Rubinstein, J. L., Barbour, A. J., and J. H. Norbeck (2021), Forecasting Induced Earthquake Hazard Using a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model, Seismological Research Letters, DOI: 10.1785/0220200215

27. Fan, W., Barbour, A. J., Cochran, E. S., and G. Lin (2021), Characteristics of Frequent Dynamic Triggering of Microearthquakes in Southern California, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126, e2020JB020820, DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020820

26. Skoumal, R. J., Kaven, J. O., Barbour, A. J., Wicks, C., Brudzinski, M. R., Cochran, E. S., and J. L. Rubinstein (2021), The Induced Mw 5.0 Marc

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