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Anne Timm


Anne Timm is the Water-Quality Specialist at Oregon Water Science Center.

Dr. Anne Timm joined the USGS, Oregon Water Science Center in 2024 to work on water quality aspects of aquatic ecosystems and habitats. Runoff from impervious surfaces in urban settings can result in changes to water temperature and can introduce contaminants to river systems. Water temperature and contaminants can affect availability of aquatic habitat according to aquatic species tolerance to potential stress. Increasing human populations can also result in increased wastewater-based chemical loads and nutrients that may affect biological and chemical processes in aquatic ecosystems. At the USGS, Oregon Water Science Center Anne works on multi-disciplinary science teams that quantify stormwater and wastewater inputs to aquatic ecosystems in order to prioritize mitigation and improve aquatic habitats.

Anne's 21 years of federal service have included work as an aquatic ecologist, habitat manager, and researcher. Throughout her work for land-management agencies, Anne has focused on effectiveness monitoring of aquatic habitat restoration and using aquatic species as indicators of aquatic ecosystem health. Over the course of her career, Anne has managed 6 major field-sampling campaigns in the Great Lakes, Southern Appalachians, and Mid-Atlantic Regions, including 130 stream, lake, and coastal estuary sites. 

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