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Brigitta Urban-Mathieux

Serves as the Federal Liaison for the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) and User Engagement Communications Coordinator.

Gita coordinates with officials from Federal government agencies and USGS Mission Area scientists and managers on issues and technologies concerning national-level collaboration and partnership opportunities in support of NGP and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) program objectives. She provides consultation and advice to managers on strategic direction for NGP programs based on knowledge and experience with Federal partners and through participation in the activities of the national geospatial community.

Previously, she worked for FGDC Secretariat coordinating efforts to implement portfolio management of the A-16 National Geospatial Data Assets and leading the NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program. From 1997-2006, she was the content coordinator for the National Atlas of the US. She joined the USGS in 1988 to lead research in geographic/cartographic processes.


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