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Dana T Musto

Dana Musto is a Biologist in the Wildlife Ecology Branch at the Fort Collins Science Center, with emphasis on bison and grasslands in southwest regions of the U.S.

As a member of the Ungulate Ecology Research Group, Dana's current work focuses on fine scale foraging ecology of bison in Great Sand Dunes and Grand Canyon National Parks. Prior to coming to FORT, she received her M.S. degree in Ecology from Colorado State University studying effects of bison grazing on the structure and function of grasslands in North Rim, Grand Canyon National Park. Her research included the design and implementation of long-term grazing exclosures throughout the Grand Canyon ecosystem and she worked with multiple federal partners (NPS and USFS) as well as the Arizona Game and Fish Dept. While at Colorado State University, she held various positions in natural resource research and management with agencies such as The National Parks Service, AmeriCorps, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, conducting research on both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Her work is driven by her love for wildlife, natural resources, and conservation.

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