Edmund Parvin
Edmund Parvin - California Water Science Center
Science and Products
Guidance and Instructions for the Preparation of Data Furnished to the USGS for Review and Publication
The annual review by USGS personnel of furnished records is designed to ensure that furnished records are collected in accordance with USGS standards. Furnished records are provided to the USGS by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensees and other cooperating agencies as a method for reviewing and quality assuring their records so that the data are collected using methods that result...
Science and Products
Guidance and Instructions for the Preparation of Data Furnished to the USGS for Review and Publication
The annual review by USGS personnel of furnished records is designed to ensure that furnished records are collected in accordance with USGS standards. Furnished records are provided to the USGS by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensees and other cooperating agencies as a method for reviewing and quality assuring their records so that the data are collected using methods that result...