Haylie Brown
I am a Hydrologic Technician in the Helena Field Office. After finishing my education, I worked at a non-profit monitoring water quality and aquatic invasive species.
Education and Certifications
BS in Geoscience and a certificate in GIS, University of Montana
MS in Earth Science, University of Northern Colorado focusing on fluvial geomorphology
Science and Products
Peak-Flow Frequency Analysis for Selected Montana Streamgages
Peak-flow frequency information is needed for flood-plain mapping, design of highway infrastructure, and many other purposes across Montana. The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center has an ongoing project working to update peak-flow frequency estimates at USGS streamgages across the state.
Science and Products
Peak-Flow Frequency Analysis for Selected Montana Streamgages
Peak-flow frequency information is needed for flood-plain mapping, design of highway infrastructure, and many other purposes across Montana. The USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center has an ongoing project working to update peak-flow frequency estimates at USGS streamgages across the state.