John M Caldwell
My goal as a fish biologist with the Western Fisheries Research Center is to conduct applied research that results in information directly useful to managers.
My background is in research, recovery, and management of western native fishes. In Utah I used capture-recapture techniques to estimate abundance and survival of humpback chub, tracked reproduction of stocked razorback sucker, and managed a project focused on monitoring and controlling non-native fish. In New Mexico, I monitored populations of two pupfish species, used acoustic telemetry to track movements of gray redhorse and blue sucker in a desert stream, determined current distribution of Rio Grande sucker and chub, and worked cooperatively with other agencies to monitor several desert fishes. For my master’s thesis I determined the habitats used by the Ouachita darter and quantified the variation in the darter assemblage (9 species) along a longitudinal gradient in the Ouachita River of Arkansas. Additionally, I participated in life cycle monitoring of pacific salmonids in northern California.