Jonathan Nelson (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 36
Advances in computational morphodynamics using the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software
Results from computational morphodynamics modeling of coupled flow-bed-sediment systems are described for ten applications as a review of recent advances in the field. Each of these applications is drawn from solvers included in the public-domain International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software package. For mesoscale river features such as bars, predictions of alternate and...
Yasuyuki Shimizu, Jonathan M. Nelson
The international river interface cooperative: Public domain flow and morphodynamics software for education and applications
This paper describes a new, public-domain interface for modeling flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics in rivers and other geophysical flows. The interface is named after the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC), the group that constructed the interface and many of the current solvers included in iRIC. The interface is entirely free to any user and currently houses...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Yasuyuki Shimizu, Takaaki Abe, Kazutake Asahi, Mineyuki Gamou, Takuya Inoue, Toshiki Iwasaki, Takaharu Kakinuma, Satomi Kawamura, Ichiro Kimura, Tomoko Kyuka, Richard R. McDonald, Mohamed Nabi, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Francisco J. Simoes, Hiroshi Takebayashi, Yasunori Watanabe
Mapping river bathymetry with a small footprint green LiDAR: Applications and challenges
Airborne bathymetric Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) systems designed for coastal and marine surveys are increasingly sought after for high-resolution mapping of fluvial systems. To evaluate the potential utility of bathymetric LiDAR for applications of this kind, we compared detailed surveys collected using wading and sonar techniques with measurements from the United States...
Paul J. Kinzel, Carl J. Legleiter, Jonathan M. Nelson
Using computational modeling of river flow with remotely sensed data to infer channel bathymetry
As part of an ongoing investigation into the use of computational river flow and morphodynamic models for the purpose of correcting and extending remotely sensed river datasets, a simple method for inferring channel bathymetry is developed and discussed. The method is based on an inversion of the equations expressing conservation of mass and momentum to develop equations that can be...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Richard R. McDonald, Paul J. Kinzel, Y. Shimizu
Use of multidimensional modeling to evaluate a channel restoration design for the Kootenai River, Idaho
River channel construction projects aimed at restoring or improving degraded waterways have become common but have been variously successful. In this report a methodology is proposed to evaluate channel designs before channels are built by using multidimensional modeling and analysis. This approach allows detailed analysis of water-surface profiles, sediment transport, and aquatic...
B.L. Logan, R. R. McDonald, J. M. Nelson, P.J. Kinzel, G. J. Barton
Effects of uncertain topographic input data on two-dimensional flow modeling in a gravel-bed river
Many applications in river research and management rely upon two-dimensional (2D) numerical models to characterize flow fields, assess habitat conditions, and evaluate channel stability. Predictions from such models are potentially highly uncertain due to the uncertainty associated with the topographic data provided as input. This study used a spatial stochastic simulation strategy to...
C.J. Legleiter, P.C. Kyriakidis, R. R. McDonald, J. M. Nelson
Bedform response to flow variability
Laboratory observations and computational results for the response of bedform fields to rapid variations in discharge are compared and discussed. The simple case considered here begins with a relatively low discharge over a flat bed on which bedforms are initiated, followed by a short high‐flow period with double the original discharge, during which the morphology of the bedforms adjusts...
J. M. Nelson, B.L. Logan, P.J. Kinzel, Y. Shimizu, S. Giri, R.L. Shreve, S.R. McLean
Mechanics and modeling of flow, sediment transport and morphologic change in riverine lateral separation zones
Lateral separation zones or eddies in rivers are critically important features for sediment storage and for a variety of roles they play in riparian and aquatic ecology. As part of a larger effort to predict the morphology of lateral separation zones in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon for a selection of sediment supply and discharge scenarios, we evaluated the performance of two...
Brandy L. Logan, Jonathan M. Nelson, Richard R. McDonald, Scott Wright
Computational modeling of bedform evolution in rivers with implications for predictions of flood stage and bed evolution
Uncertainties in flood stage prediction and bed evolution in rivers are frequently associated with the evolution of bedforms over a hydrograph. For the case of flood prediction, the evolution of the bedforms may alter the effective bed roughness, so predictions of stage and velocity based on assuming bedforms retain the same size and shape over a hydrograph will be incorrect. These same...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Yasuyuki Shimizu, Sanjay Giri, Richard R. McDonald
Simulation of streamflow using a multidimensional flow model for white sturgeon habitat, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho – Supplement to Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5230
During 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed, calibrated, and validated a multidimensional flow model for simulating streamflow in the white sturgeon spawning habitat of the Kootenai River in Idaho. The model was developed as a tool to aid understanding of the physical factors affecting quality and quantity of spawning and rearing habitat used by the endangered white sturgeon...
Gary J. Barton, Richard R. McDonald, Jonathan M. Nelson
Response of Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) riverine roosting habitat to changes in stage and sandbar morphology
Over the past century, flow regulation and vegetation encroachment have reduced active channel widths along the central Platte River, Nebraska. During the last two decades, an annual program of in-channel vegetation management has been implemented to stabilize or expand active channel widths. Vegetation management practices are intended to enhance riverine habitats which include...
P.J. Kinzel, J. M. Nelson, A.K. Heckman
Numerical simulation of dune-flat bed transition and stage‐discharge relationship with hysteresis effect
This work presents recent advances on morphodynamic modeling of bed forms under unsteady discharge. This paper includes further development of a morphodynamic model proposed earlier by Giri and Shimizu (2006a). This model reproduces the temporal development of river dunes and accurately replicates the physical properties associated with bed form evolution. Model results appear to provide...
Yasuyuki Shimizu, Sanjay Giri, Satomi Yamaguchi, Jonathan M. Nelson
iRIC river flow and riverbed variation analysis
iRIC (International River Interface Cooperative) is a river flow and riverbed variation analysis software package which combines the functionality of MD_SWMS (Multi-Dimensional Surface-Water Modeling System), developed by the USGS, and RIC-Nays, developed by the Foundation of Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Research Center.
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 36
Advances in computational morphodynamics using the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software
Results from computational morphodynamics modeling of coupled flow-bed-sediment systems are described for ten applications as a review of recent advances in the field. Each of these applications is drawn from solvers included in the public-domain International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) software package. For mesoscale river features such as bars, predictions of alternate and...
Yasuyuki Shimizu, Jonathan M. Nelson
The international river interface cooperative: Public domain flow and morphodynamics software for education and applications
This paper describes a new, public-domain interface for modeling flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics in rivers and other geophysical flows. The interface is named after the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC), the group that constructed the interface and many of the current solvers included in iRIC. The interface is entirely free to any user and currently houses...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Yasuyuki Shimizu, Takaaki Abe, Kazutake Asahi, Mineyuki Gamou, Takuya Inoue, Toshiki Iwasaki, Takaharu Kakinuma, Satomi Kawamura, Ichiro Kimura, Tomoko Kyuka, Richard R. McDonald, Mohamed Nabi, Makoto Nakatsugawa, Francisco J. Simoes, Hiroshi Takebayashi, Yasunori Watanabe
Mapping river bathymetry with a small footprint green LiDAR: Applications and challenges
Airborne bathymetric Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) systems designed for coastal and marine surveys are increasingly sought after for high-resolution mapping of fluvial systems. To evaluate the potential utility of bathymetric LiDAR for applications of this kind, we compared detailed surveys collected using wading and sonar techniques with measurements from the United States...
Paul J. Kinzel, Carl J. Legleiter, Jonathan M. Nelson
Using computational modeling of river flow with remotely sensed data to infer channel bathymetry
As part of an ongoing investigation into the use of computational river flow and morphodynamic models for the purpose of correcting and extending remotely sensed river datasets, a simple method for inferring channel bathymetry is developed and discussed. The method is based on an inversion of the equations expressing conservation of mass and momentum to develop equations that can be...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Richard R. McDonald, Paul J. Kinzel, Y. Shimizu
Use of multidimensional modeling to evaluate a channel restoration design for the Kootenai River, Idaho
River channel construction projects aimed at restoring or improving degraded waterways have become common but have been variously successful. In this report a methodology is proposed to evaluate channel designs before channels are built by using multidimensional modeling and analysis. This approach allows detailed analysis of water-surface profiles, sediment transport, and aquatic...
B.L. Logan, R. R. McDonald, J. M. Nelson, P.J. Kinzel, G. J. Barton
Effects of uncertain topographic input data on two-dimensional flow modeling in a gravel-bed river
Many applications in river research and management rely upon two-dimensional (2D) numerical models to characterize flow fields, assess habitat conditions, and evaluate channel stability. Predictions from such models are potentially highly uncertain due to the uncertainty associated with the topographic data provided as input. This study used a spatial stochastic simulation strategy to...
C.J. Legleiter, P.C. Kyriakidis, R. R. McDonald, J. M. Nelson
Bedform response to flow variability
Laboratory observations and computational results for the response of bedform fields to rapid variations in discharge are compared and discussed. The simple case considered here begins with a relatively low discharge over a flat bed on which bedforms are initiated, followed by a short high‐flow period with double the original discharge, during which the morphology of the bedforms adjusts...
J. M. Nelson, B.L. Logan, P.J. Kinzel, Y. Shimizu, S. Giri, R.L. Shreve, S.R. McLean
Mechanics and modeling of flow, sediment transport and morphologic change in riverine lateral separation zones
Lateral separation zones or eddies in rivers are critically important features for sediment storage and for a variety of roles they play in riparian and aquatic ecology. As part of a larger effort to predict the morphology of lateral separation zones in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon for a selection of sediment supply and discharge scenarios, we evaluated the performance of two...
Brandy L. Logan, Jonathan M. Nelson, Richard R. McDonald, Scott Wright
Computational modeling of bedform evolution in rivers with implications for predictions of flood stage and bed evolution
Uncertainties in flood stage prediction and bed evolution in rivers are frequently associated with the evolution of bedforms over a hydrograph. For the case of flood prediction, the evolution of the bedforms may alter the effective bed roughness, so predictions of stage and velocity based on assuming bedforms retain the same size and shape over a hydrograph will be incorrect. These same...
Jonathan M. Nelson, Yasuyuki Shimizu, Sanjay Giri, Richard R. McDonald
Simulation of streamflow using a multidimensional flow model for white sturgeon habitat, Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho – Supplement to Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5230
During 2005, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed, calibrated, and validated a multidimensional flow model for simulating streamflow in the white sturgeon spawning habitat of the Kootenai River in Idaho. The model was developed as a tool to aid understanding of the physical factors affecting quality and quantity of spawning and rearing habitat used by the endangered white sturgeon...
Gary J. Barton, Richard R. McDonald, Jonathan M. Nelson
Response of Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) riverine roosting habitat to changes in stage and sandbar morphology
Over the past century, flow regulation and vegetation encroachment have reduced active channel widths along the central Platte River, Nebraska. During the last two decades, an annual program of in-channel vegetation management has been implemented to stabilize or expand active channel widths. Vegetation management practices are intended to enhance riverine habitats which include...
P.J. Kinzel, J. M. Nelson, A.K. Heckman
Numerical simulation of dune-flat bed transition and stage‐discharge relationship with hysteresis effect
This work presents recent advances on morphodynamic modeling of bed forms under unsteady discharge. This paper includes further development of a morphodynamic model proposed earlier by Giri and Shimizu (2006a). This model reproduces the temporal development of river dunes and accurately replicates the physical properties associated with bed form evolution. Model results appear to provide...
Yasuyuki Shimizu, Sanjay Giri, Satomi Yamaguchi, Jonathan M. Nelson
iRIC river flow and riverbed variation analysis
iRIC (International River Interface Cooperative) is a river flow and riverbed variation analysis software package which combines the functionality of MD_SWMS (Multi-Dimensional Surface-Water Modeling System), developed by the USGS, and RIC-Nays, developed by the Foundation of Hokkaido River Disaster Prevention Research Center.