Kenneth James Chapin, Ph.D. (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Evolutionary dynamics inform management interventions of a hanging garden obligate, Carex specuicola
Uncovering the historical and contemporary processes shaping rare species with complex distributions is of growing importance due to threats such as habitat destruction and climate change. Species restricted to specialized, patchy habitat may persist by virtue of life history characteristics facilitating ongoing gene flow and dispersal, but they could also reflect the remnants of...
Kenneth James Chapin, Matthew R Jones, Daniel E. Winkler, Glenn Rink, Robert Massatti
Science and Products
Evolutionary dynamics inform management interventions of a hanging garden obligate, Carex specuicola
Uncovering the historical and contemporary processes shaping rare species with complex distributions is of growing importance due to threats such as habitat destruction and climate change. Species restricted to specialized, patchy habitat may persist by virtue of life history characteristics facilitating ongoing gene flow and dispersal, but they could also reflect the remnants of...
Kenneth James Chapin, Matthew R Jones, Daniel E. Winkler, Glenn Rink, Robert Massatti