Marco Bagnardi, Ph.D.
I am a Data Scientist for the USGS Volcano Science Center and the National Volcano Information Service (NVIS). I specialize in volcano geodesy and in the use of remote sensing data to study volcanic processes.
Professional Experience
U.S. Geological Survey – Volcano Science Center: Data Scientist (2023 – present)
NASA – Goddard Space Flight Center: Senior Data Scientist (2019 – 2023)
NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology: Postdoctoral Fellow (2018 – 2019)
University of Leeds (UK): Research Fellow (2014 – 2018)
NERC Centre for the Observation and Modelling of Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tectonics (COMET, UK): Research Fellow (2014 – 2018)
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science: Graduate Research
Assistant (2009 – 2014)
Education and Certifications
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science: Ph.D. (2014), Marine Geology and Geophysics
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy: M.S. (2008), Geodynamics, Geophysics and Volcanology
University of Milan Bicocca, Italy: B.S. (2006), Geology
Honors and Awards
NASA GSFC Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics (HBG) Award, 2020
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship, 2017-2019
NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship, 2011-2014
Jack Kleinman Grant for Volcano Research, 2008