Margret A Chriscinske
Margret Chriscinske is a Biological Science Technician based in Ann Arbor, MI.
Science and Products
Publications by this scientist
Status and trends of the Lake Huron offshore demersal fish community, 1976-2015
The USGS Great Lakes Science Center has conducted trawl surveys to assess annual changes in the offshore demersal fish community of Lake Huron since 1973. Sample sites include five ports in U.S. waters with less frequent sampling near Goderich, Ontario. The 2015 fall bottom trawl survey was carried out between 14 and 28 October and included all U.S. ports, as well as Goderich, ON. The 2015 main ba
Edward F. Roseman, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Dana Kristina Castle, Carson G. Prichard
Diet shifts by planktivorous and benthivorous fishes in northern Lake Michigan in response to ecosystem changes
In Lake Michigan, diets of planktivorous and benthivorous fishes have varied over the past decades, in part owing to food web changes. To update diet information and compare them to a similar effort in 1994–1995, we analyzed the diets of seven benthivorous and planktivorous fish species collected along two northern Lake Michigan transects that spanned nearshore (18 m), intermediate (46 m), and off
David B. Bunnell, Bruce M. Davis, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Kevin M. Keeler, Justin G. Mychek-Londer
Status and trends of the Lake Huron offshore Demersal fish community, 1976-2013
The USGS Great Lakes Science Center has conducted trawl surveys to assess annual changes in the offshore demersal fish community of Lake Huron since 1973. Sample sites include five ports in U.S. waters with less frequent sampling near Goderich, Ontario. The 2013 fall bottom trawl survey was carried out between 25 October – 21 November 2013 and included all U.S. ports as well as Goderich, ON. The 2
Stephen C. Riley, Edward F. Roseman, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Taaja R. Tucker, Jason E. Ross, Patricia M. Dieter, Nicole M. Watson, Whitney Woelmer
Using diets to reveal overlap and egg predation among benthivorous fishes in Lake Michigan
Ecological stability in the Laurentian Great Lakes has been altered by nonindigenous species, such as the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus and dreissenid mussels, and by declines in native amphipods Diporeia spp. We evaluated whether these changes could influence diet overlap between three benthivorous fishes (Slimy Sculpin Cottus cognatus, Deepwater Sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii, and Round Go
Justin G. Mychek-Londer, David B. Bunnell, Wendylee Stott, James S. Diana, John R. P. French, Margret Chriscinske
Planktivory in the changing Lake Huron zooplankton community: Bythotrephes consumption exceeds that of Mysis and fish
Oligotrophic lakes are generally dominated by calanoid copepods because of their competitive advantage over cladocerans at low prey densities. Planktivory also can alter zooplankton community structure. We sought to understand the role of planktivory in driving recent changes to the zooplankton community of Lake Huron, a large oligotrophic lake on the border of Canada and the United States. We tes
D.B. Bunnell, R. Douglas Hunter, D.M. Warner, M.A. Chriscinske, E.F. Roseman
First record of ithytrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Michigan, U.S.A.
[No abstract available]
J.M. Craig, M.A. Chriscinske
Habitat selection by two species of burrowing mayfly nymphs in the Les Cheneaux Islands region of northern Lake Huron
This study focused primarily on the habitat preferences of Hexagenia limbata andEphemera simulans, two species prevalent in northern Lake Huron, to gain a better understanding of the key components that determined their distribution and abundance. Both species preferred habitats based upon depth and sediment type. In addition, the burrowing activity of H. limbata was examined using in-situ, underw
Marc A. Blouin, Patrick Hudson, Margret Chriscinske
New Midwestern state records of aquatic Hemiptera (Corixidae: Notonectidae)
Recent aquatic Hemiptera collections have yielded 15 new state records distributed among four midwestern States. These records include two species of water boatmen (Palmacorixa gillettei and Sigara mathesoni) new for Indiana, four water boatmen species (Cenocorixa utahensis, Corisella inscripta, Hesperocorixa laevigata, S. decorata), including one genus (Cenocorixa) new for Michigan, four water b
Stephen W. Chordas, Eric G. Chapman, Patrick L. Hudson, Margret A. Chriscinske, Richard L. Stewart
Data releases by this scientist
2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron
This data release includes zooplankton data collected from a collaborative effort for Environmental Protection Agency’s Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI). Zooplankton surveys were conducted during the growing season, from late April to early November, in two Lake Michigan transects in 2010, two Lake Huron transects in 2012, eight Lake Michigan transects in 2015, and nine Lake Hu
Science and Products
Publications by this scientist
Status and trends of the Lake Huron offshore demersal fish community, 1976-2015
The USGS Great Lakes Science Center has conducted trawl surveys to assess annual changes in the offshore demersal fish community of Lake Huron since 1973. Sample sites include five ports in U.S. waters with less frequent sampling near Goderich, Ontario. The 2015 fall bottom trawl survey was carried out between 14 and 28 October and included all U.S. ports, as well as Goderich, ON. The 2015 main ba
Edward F. Roseman, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Dana Kristina Castle, Carson G. Prichard
Diet shifts by planktivorous and benthivorous fishes in northern Lake Michigan in response to ecosystem changes
In Lake Michigan, diets of planktivorous and benthivorous fishes have varied over the past decades, in part owing to food web changes. To update diet information and compare them to a similar effort in 1994–1995, we analyzed the diets of seven benthivorous and planktivorous fish species collected along two northern Lake Michigan transects that spanned nearshore (18 m), intermediate (46 m), and off
David B. Bunnell, Bruce M. Davis, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Kevin M. Keeler, Justin G. Mychek-Londer
Status and trends of the Lake Huron offshore Demersal fish community, 1976-2013
The USGS Great Lakes Science Center has conducted trawl surveys to assess annual changes in the offshore demersal fish community of Lake Huron since 1973. Sample sites include five ports in U.S. waters with less frequent sampling near Goderich, Ontario. The 2013 fall bottom trawl survey was carried out between 25 October – 21 November 2013 and included all U.S. ports as well as Goderich, ON. The 2
Stephen C. Riley, Edward F. Roseman, Margret Ann Chriscinske, Taaja R. Tucker, Jason E. Ross, Patricia M. Dieter, Nicole M. Watson, Whitney Woelmer
Using diets to reveal overlap and egg predation among benthivorous fishes in Lake Michigan
Ecological stability in the Laurentian Great Lakes has been altered by nonindigenous species, such as the Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus and dreissenid mussels, and by declines in native amphipods Diporeia spp. We evaluated whether these changes could influence diet overlap between three benthivorous fishes (Slimy Sculpin Cottus cognatus, Deepwater Sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii, and Round Go
Justin G. Mychek-Londer, David B. Bunnell, Wendylee Stott, James S. Diana, John R. P. French, Margret Chriscinske
Planktivory in the changing Lake Huron zooplankton community: Bythotrephes consumption exceeds that of Mysis and fish
Oligotrophic lakes are generally dominated by calanoid copepods because of their competitive advantage over cladocerans at low prey densities. Planktivory also can alter zooplankton community structure. We sought to understand the role of planktivory in driving recent changes to the zooplankton community of Lake Huron, a large oligotrophic lake on the border of Canada and the United States. We tes
D.B. Bunnell, R. Douglas Hunter, D.M. Warner, M.A. Chriscinske, E.F. Roseman
First record of ithytrichia (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Michigan, U.S.A.
[No abstract available]
J.M. Craig, M.A. Chriscinske
Habitat selection by two species of burrowing mayfly nymphs in the Les Cheneaux Islands region of northern Lake Huron
This study focused primarily on the habitat preferences of Hexagenia limbata andEphemera simulans, two species prevalent in northern Lake Huron, to gain a better understanding of the key components that determined their distribution and abundance. Both species preferred habitats based upon depth and sediment type. In addition, the burrowing activity of H. limbata was examined using in-situ, underw
Marc A. Blouin, Patrick Hudson, Margret Chriscinske
New Midwestern state records of aquatic Hemiptera (Corixidae: Notonectidae)
Recent aquatic Hemiptera collections have yielded 15 new state records distributed among four midwestern States. These records include two species of water boatmen (Palmacorixa gillettei and Sigara mathesoni) new for Indiana, four water boatmen species (Cenocorixa utahensis, Corisella inscripta, Hesperocorixa laevigata, S. decorata), including one genus (Cenocorixa) new for Michigan, four water b
Stephen W. Chordas, Eric G. Chapman, Patrick L. Hudson, Margret A. Chriscinske, Richard L. Stewart
Data releases by this scientist
2010-2017 zooplankton data from whole water-column tows in Lakes Michigan and Huron
This data release includes zooplankton data collected from a collaborative effort for Environmental Protection Agency’s Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI). Zooplankton surveys were conducted during the growing season, from late April to early November, in two Lake Michigan transects in 2010, two Lake Huron transects in 2012, eight Lake Michigan transects in 2015, and nine Lake Hu