Nicholas (Nick) M Beeler
Nick Beeler is a scientist in the Earthquake Science Center.
Science and Products
External Grants - Overview
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides support for research that will assist in achieving the goals of the Earthquake Hazards Program. The goal is to mitigate earthquake losses that can occur in many parts of the nation by providing earth science data and assessments essential for land-use planning, engineering design, and emergency preparedness decisions.
Slide-hold-slide experiments on Westerly Granite at temperatures up to 250 °C
Laboratory slide-hold-slide tests were conducted in a conventional triaxial deformation configuration on 1-inch diameter cylindrical cores of Westerly granite bisected by a sawcut oriented at 30 degrees from vertical. Tests were conducted at a constant confining pressure of 30 MPa with a 10 MPa pore fluid pressure. The pore fluid was deionized water. Experiments were conducted at temperatures of 2
Data from the manuscript: Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
Earthquake instability occurs as a result of strength loss during sliding on a fault. It has been known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening or strengthening by dramatically changing the fluid pressure trapped in faults. Despite this fundamental importance, we have no real understanding of the exact conditions that lead to compaction or dilation duri
Filter Total Items: 58
Time-dependent weakening of granite at hydrothermal conditions
The evolution of a fault's frictional strength during the interseismic period is a critical component of the earthquake cycle, yet there have been relatively few studies that examine the time-dependent evolution of strength at conditions representative of seismogenic depths. Using a simulated fault in Westerly granite, we examined how frictional strength evolves under hydrothermal conditions up to
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Nicholas M. Beeler, Diane E. Moore
Strength recovery in quartzite is controlled by changes in friction in experiments at hydrothermal conditions up to 200°C
The rate of fault zone restrengthening between earthquakes can be influenced by both frictional and cohesive healing processes. Friction is dependent on effective normal stress while cohesion is independent of normal stress, potentially explaining—in part—the lack of depth dependence of earthquake stress drops. Although amenable to laboratory testing, few studies have systematically addressed the
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Nicholas M. Beeler, Stephen H. Hickman
Effect of thermal and mechanical processes on hydraulic transmissivity evolution
Fracture healing is a critical component of enhanced geothermal systems, the earthquake cycle, and induced seismicity. Accordingly, there is significant interest in understanding the process of healing and its effects on fluid transport. The creation, reactivation, and sustainability of fracture networks depend on complex coupling among thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes. We us
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Joshua M. Taron, Diane E. Moore, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Stephen H. Hickman
On the scale-dependence of fault surface roughness
Defining roughness as the ratio of height to length, the standard approach to characterize amplitudes of single fault, joint and fracture surfaces is to measure average height as a function of profile length. Empirically, this roughness depends strongly on scale. The ratio is approximately 0.01 at a few mm but 10× smaller at a few tens of meters. Surfaces are rougher at small scales. However, thes
Nicholas M. Beeler
Brittle faulting at elevated temperature and vanishing effective stress
If brittle fault strength depends only on friction, slip instability is discouraged at low effective normal stress, σ. Stress drop and the critical stiffness necessary for unstable sliding both vanish with σ; small earthquakes cannot occur. Very low σ is inferred in the source region of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) on the San Andreas fault (SAF). Moreover, if pore pressure, p, is undrained at
Nicholas M. Beeler
The evolution of rock friction is more sensitive to slip than elapsed time, even at near-zero slip rates
For many decades, frictional strength increase at low slip rates has been ascribed to time-dependent contact-area growth across the sliding interface. As a result, phenomenological models that correctly predict contact-area growth, as observed in laboratory experiments, have also been widely assumed to be appropriate descriptors of frictional strength evolution. We present experiments that impose
Pathikrit Bhattacharyaa, Allan Rubin, Terry Tullis, Nicholas M. Beeler, Keishi Okazaki
Apparent age dependence of the fault weakening distance in rock friction
During rock friction experiments at large displacement, room temperature and humidity, and following a hold test, the fracture energy increases approximately as the square of the logarithm of hold duration. While it's been long known that failure strength increases with log hold time, here the slip weakening distance, dh, also increases. The weakening distance increase is large, hundreds of percen
Nicholas M. Beeler, Allan Rubin, Path Bhattacharya, Brian D. Kilgore, Terry Tullis
Strength recovery and sealing under hydrothermal conditions
While there is significant evidence for healing in natural faults, geothermal reservoirs, and lab experiments, the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical interactions that influence healing are poorly understood. We present preliminary results of triaxial slide-hold-slide experiments to constrain rates and mechanisms of healing. Experiments were conducted on gouge composed of Westerly granit
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Joshua M. Taron
Teleseismic waves reveal anisotropic poroelastic response of wastewater disposal reservoir
Connecting earthquake nucleation in basement rock to fluid injection in basal, sedimentary reservoirs, depends heavily on choices related to the poroelastic properties of the fluid-rock system, thermo-chemical effects notwithstanding. Direct constraints on these parameters outside of laboratory settings are rare, and it is commonly assumed that the rock layers are isotropic. With the Arbuckle wast
Andrew Barbour, Nicholas M. Beeler
Evolution of fluid transmissivity and strength recovery of shear fractures under hydrothermal conditions
Geothermal systems rely on the presence of long-lived and high-volume, permeable fracture systems. The creation, reactivation, and sustainability of these systems depend on complex coupling among thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (THMC) processes occurring in geothermal reservoirs. In part due to a paucity of experimental data, the evolution of fractures at geothermal conditions in resp
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Joshua M. Taron
Characterizing fault roughness—Are faults rougher at long or short wavelengths?
Changes in fault roughness with scale, “scaling,” is the topic of this report; changes are considered using a general power law relation between some measure of surface height, H, and another of length, L, H=kLn, where k is a constant and n is an exponent that characterizes the scaling. Extensive profile measurements of natural fault surfaces show that the ratio of average surface height to profil
Nicholas M. Beeler
Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
Earthquake instability occurs as a result of strength loss during sliding on a fault. It has been known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening or strengthening by dramatically changing the fluid pressure trapped in faults. Despite this fundamental importance, we have no real understanding of the exact conditions that lead to compaction or dilation duri
Brooks P. Proctor, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Thomas M. Mitchell, Nicholas M. Beeler
Science and Products
External Grants - Overview
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides support for research that will assist in achieving the goals of the Earthquake Hazards Program. The goal is to mitigate earthquake losses that can occur in many parts of the nation by providing earth science data and assessments essential for land-use planning, engineering design, and emergency preparedness decisions.
Slide-hold-slide experiments on Westerly Granite at temperatures up to 250 °C
Laboratory slide-hold-slide tests were conducted in a conventional triaxial deformation configuration on 1-inch diameter cylindrical cores of Westerly granite bisected by a sawcut oriented at 30 degrees from vertical. Tests were conducted at a constant confining pressure of 30 MPa with a 10 MPa pore fluid pressure. The pore fluid was deionized water. Experiments were conducted at temperatures of 2
Data from the manuscript: Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
Earthquake instability occurs as a result of strength loss during sliding on a fault. It has been known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening or strengthening by dramatically changing the fluid pressure trapped in faults. Despite this fundamental importance, we have no real understanding of the exact conditions that lead to compaction or dilation duri
Filter Total Items: 58
Time-dependent weakening of granite at hydrothermal conditions
The evolution of a fault's frictional strength during the interseismic period is a critical component of the earthquake cycle, yet there have been relatively few studies that examine the time-dependent evolution of strength at conditions representative of seismogenic depths. Using a simulated fault in Westerly granite, we examined how frictional strength evolves under hydrothermal conditions up to
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Nicholas M. Beeler, Diane E. Moore
Strength recovery in quartzite is controlled by changes in friction in experiments at hydrothermal conditions up to 200°C
The rate of fault zone restrengthening between earthquakes can be influenced by both frictional and cohesive healing processes. Friction is dependent on effective normal stress while cohesion is independent of normal stress, potentially explaining—in part—the lack of depth dependence of earthquake stress drops. Although amenable to laboratory testing, few studies have systematically addressed the
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Nicholas M. Beeler, Stephen H. Hickman
Effect of thermal and mechanical processes on hydraulic transmissivity evolution
Fracture healing is a critical component of enhanced geothermal systems, the earthquake cycle, and induced seismicity. Accordingly, there is significant interest in understanding the process of healing and its effects on fluid transport. The creation, reactivation, and sustainability of fracture networks depend on complex coupling among thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes. We us
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Joshua M. Taron, Diane E. Moore, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Stephen H. Hickman
On the scale-dependence of fault surface roughness
Defining roughness as the ratio of height to length, the standard approach to characterize amplitudes of single fault, joint and fracture surfaces is to measure average height as a function of profile length. Empirically, this roughness depends strongly on scale. The ratio is approximately 0.01 at a few mm but 10× smaller at a few tens of meters. Surfaces are rougher at small scales. However, thes
Nicholas M. Beeler
Brittle faulting at elevated temperature and vanishing effective stress
If brittle fault strength depends only on friction, slip instability is discouraged at low effective normal stress, σ. Stress drop and the critical stiffness necessary for unstable sliding both vanish with σ; small earthquakes cannot occur. Very low σ is inferred in the source region of low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) on the San Andreas fault (SAF). Moreover, if pore pressure, p, is undrained at
Nicholas M. Beeler
The evolution of rock friction is more sensitive to slip than elapsed time, even at near-zero slip rates
For many decades, frictional strength increase at low slip rates has been ascribed to time-dependent contact-area growth across the sliding interface. As a result, phenomenological models that correctly predict contact-area growth, as observed in laboratory experiments, have also been widely assumed to be appropriate descriptors of frictional strength evolution. We present experiments that impose
Pathikrit Bhattacharyaa, Allan Rubin, Terry Tullis, Nicholas M. Beeler, Keishi Okazaki
Apparent age dependence of the fault weakening distance in rock friction
During rock friction experiments at large displacement, room temperature and humidity, and following a hold test, the fracture energy increases approximately as the square of the logarithm of hold duration. While it's been long known that failure strength increases with log hold time, here the slip weakening distance, dh, also increases. The weakening distance increase is large, hundreds of percen
Nicholas M. Beeler, Allan Rubin, Path Bhattacharya, Brian D. Kilgore, Terry Tullis
Strength recovery and sealing under hydrothermal conditions
While there is significant evidence for healing in natural faults, geothermal reservoirs, and lab experiments, the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical interactions that influence healing are poorly understood. We present preliminary results of triaxial slide-hold-slide experiments to constrain rates and mechanisms of healing. Experiments were conducted on gouge composed of Westerly granit
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Joshua M. Taron
Teleseismic waves reveal anisotropic poroelastic response of wastewater disposal reservoir
Connecting earthquake nucleation in basement rock to fluid injection in basal, sedimentary reservoirs, depends heavily on choices related to the poroelastic properties of the fluid-rock system, thermo-chemical effects notwithstanding. Direct constraints on these parameters outside of laboratory settings are rare, and it is commonly assumed that the rock layers are isotropic. With the Arbuckle wast
Andrew Barbour, Nicholas M. Beeler
Evolution of fluid transmissivity and strength recovery of shear fractures under hydrothermal conditions
Geothermal systems rely on the presence of long-lived and high-volume, permeable fracture systems. The creation, reactivation, and sustainability of these systems depend on complex coupling among thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (THMC) processes occurring in geothermal reservoirs. In part due to a paucity of experimental data, the evolution of fractures at geothermal conditions in resp
Tamara Nicole Jeppson, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Nicholas M. Beeler, Joshua M. Taron
Characterizing fault roughness—Are faults rougher at long or short wavelengths?
Changes in fault roughness with scale, “scaling,” is the topic of this report; changes are considered using a general power law relation between some measure of surface height, H, and another of length, L, H=kLn, where k is a constant and n is an exponent that characterizes the scaling. Extensive profile measurements of natural fault surfaces show that the ratio of average surface height to profil
Nicholas M. Beeler
Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
Earthquake instability occurs as a result of strength loss during sliding on a fault. It has been known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening or strengthening by dramatically changing the fluid pressure trapped in faults. Despite this fundamental importance, we have no real understanding of the exact conditions that lead to compaction or dilation duri
Brooks P. Proctor, David A. Lockner, Brian D. Kilgore, Thomas M. Mitchell, Nicholas M. Beeler