Raymond Obuch
Data Manager with the Central Energy Resources Science Center
Been with the USGS Energy Program since 1985 supporting Energy related data and databases that are used in researching and assessing United State and International Oil and Gas Resources. Other work functions include data manager and subject matter expert for Oracle database software and ESRI’s ArcSDE Geodatabase (ArcGIS Server). Ray has supported the Open Data Initiative (Data.gov) at the DOI Agency Level since 2009 as a USGS representative on the Department of Interiors Data Service Team which supports agency level enterprise data management.
Over 33 years of science data management experience. 25 + years database experience.
Education and Certifications
B.S. Forestry, Utah State, 1979
BS Watershed/Hydrology, Utah State, 1981
Masters Computer Information Systems, University of Denver, 1994