ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
Ruth M. Law
I joined the USGS the summer of 2013 through the Pathways student program. With my primary duties revolving around streamgaging and water quality, I was also allowed to expand my experience with secondary activities in assisting the studies section with various projects. In my current position in the Riverton Field Unit, I am expanding my knowledge of the dynamics involved with the establishment,
Education and Certifications
A.S. in Earth and Environmental Science, Central Wyoming College, 2014
B.S. in Geology, University of Wyoming, 2017
Science and Products
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
The headwaters of the Snake River are in the mountains of northwestern Wyoming on lands primarily administered by the National Park Service and the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Streamflow from the Snake River Basin has been measured at some sites for more than 100 years. Water from this drainage basin is used for recreational, agricultural, and municipal uses and power generation. Because of the
Ruth M. Law, James Campbell, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics of Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork, Wyoming, April 2018 through September 2019
The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum was formed in 1973 to coordinate salinity control efforts among the States in the Colorado River Basin, including Wyoming. The Colorado River Salinity Control Act of 1974 (Public Law 93–320) authorized “the construction, operation, and maintenance of certain works in the Colorado River Basin to control the salinity of water delivered to users in the
Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Ruth M. Law, Shaun W. Moran
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
Snake River Basin Streamflow and Water Temperature
The USGS WY-MT Water Science Center operates streamgages in the Snake River Basin in Wyoming that report streamflow in the mainstem of the Snake River and tributary streams. During the spring of 2022, in cooperation with the Teton Conservation District, thermistors were installed at six sites in the basin to record and report water temperature data. There are currently 12 sites in the basin that...
Science and Products
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
The headwaters of the Snake River are in the mountains of northwestern Wyoming on lands primarily administered by the National Park Service and the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Streamflow from the Snake River Basin has been measured at some sites for more than 100 years. Water from this drainage basin is used for recreational, agricultural, and municipal uses and power generation. Because of the
Ruth M. Law, James Campbell, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics of Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork, Wyoming, April 2018 through September 2019
The Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Forum was formed in 1973 to coordinate salinity control efforts among the States in the Colorado River Basin, including Wyoming. The Colorado River Salinity Control Act of 1974 (Public Law 93–320) authorized “the construction, operation, and maintenance of certain works in the Colorado River Basin to control the salinity of water delivered to users in the
Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Ruth M. Law, Shaun W. Moran
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
ADCP streamflow measurement, Wind River near Dubois
Snake River Basin Streamflow and Water Temperature
The USGS WY-MT Water Science Center operates streamgages in the Snake River Basin in Wyoming that report streamflow in the mainstem of the Snake River and tributary streams. During the spring of 2022, in cooperation with the Teton Conservation District, thermistors were installed at six sites in the basin to record and report water temperature data. There are currently 12 sites in the basin that...