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Scott E Bass, PE

Scott is the Surface Water Specialist for the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center. Prior to joining the U.S.G.S. in 2023, Scott worked as a hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) engineer in both the private and public sectors.

After graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Scott worked as a water resources engineer at a private engineering firm where he earned his Professional Engineering license. Following that, Scott moved to be the lead H&H engineer for the Maryland Dam Safety Division, where he eventually served as the Acting Chief for over a year. Scott has extensive experience in the assessment and hydrologic characterization of drainage areas for the purposes of determining peak runoff rates and volumes for a wide range of temporal and spatial rainfall distributions, ranging from the 1-year storm through the probable maximum precipitation (PMP), for a wide range of purposes ranging from floodplain delineation to stormwater management to high hazard dam hydraulic capacity assessment and design, to dam breach inundation mapping. Scott has extensive experience in the assessment, design, retrofit, construction, and regulation/oversight of hydraulic structures ranging from small drainage swales and roadway culverts to large high hazard dams, and has instructed classes on HEC-RAS 1-D and 2-D, as well as other H&H modeling softwares for both private sector design engineers and public sector regulators.

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