Scott J Chiavacci, Ph.D.
Dr. Scott Chiavacci is an ecologist with the Science and Decisions Center. He works on a range of interdisciplinary projects focused on conservation and natural resources management issues and strives to develop these projects around the needs of decision makers and stakeholders.
Ongoing projects
- Measuring the economic impacts of chronic wasting disease in the U.S.
- Creation of a how-to guide to help practitioners develop quantification tools for market-based conservation
- Establishing an online database of quantification tools used in U.S. market-based conservation
- Assessing the ecosystem services provided by freshwater mussels
Previous projects
- Analyzing trends among quantification tools used for market-based conservation
- Creation of a database of quantification tools used in U.S. biodiversity and habitat markets
- Estimating the economic value of health benefits from using geologic data to communicate radon risk
- Assisting the National Geospatial Program with project tracking and budget scenario modeling
Professional Experience
Prior to joining the USGS, Scott was a researcher with the Illinois Natural History Survey and University of Illinois where he studied factors impacting freshwater mussels of conservation concern. He has also studied the reproductive ecology, behavior, and predators of early successional birds and raptors and emergence patterns of insects.
Education and Certifications
2016, Ph.D., Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2010, M.S., Biology, Arkansas State University
2007, B.S., Wildlife & Fisheries Science, The Pennsylvania State University
Science and Products
Database of Biodiversity, Habitat, and Aquatic Resource Quantification Tools Used for Market-based Conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022)
Nesting and post-fledging predation risk influence diel patterns of songbird fledging
The value of scientific information — An overview
The economic costs of chronic wasting disease in the United States
Database of biodiversity, habitat, and aquatic-resource quantification tools used in market-based conservation — 2022 update
Value of information and decision pathways: Concepts and case studies
Value of information: Exploring behavioral and social factors
Economic valuation of health benefits from using geologic data to communicate radon risk potential
Trends in biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used for market‐based conservation in the United States
A database of biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used in market-based conservation
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Database of Biodiversity, Habitat, and Aquatic Resource Quantification Tools Used for Market-based Conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022)
Nesting and post-fledging predation risk influence diel patterns of songbird fledging
The value of scientific information — An overview
The economic costs of chronic wasting disease in the United States
Database of biodiversity, habitat, and aquatic-resource quantification tools used in market-based conservation — 2022 update
Value of information and decision pathways: Concepts and case studies
Value of information: Exploring behavioral and social factors
Economic valuation of health benefits from using geologic data to communicate radon risk potential
Trends in biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used for market‐based conservation in the United States
A database of biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used in market-based conservation
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.