Flood water on Carson River near Nevada Water Science Center Office.
Sonya Vasquez
Sonya Vasquez is a Hydrologic Technician in the Information Management Unit.
Professional Experience
1991 - Present: Hydrologic Technician, U.S. Geological Survey
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, 1996
Science and Products
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 2001
Water resources data published herein for the 2001 water year comprise the following records:o Water discharge for 168 gaging stations on streams, canals and drains.o Discharge for 146 peak-flow stations and miscellaneous sites, and 14 springs.o Stage and contents for 20 lakes and reservoirs.o Water-quality data for 95 stream, lake, canal, spring, and drain sites, and 53 wells.o Water levels for 9
Kerry T. Garcia, R.H. Munson, R.J. Spaulding, S.L. Vasquez
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 1994
No abstract available.
S.L. Clary, D.R. McClary, Rita Whitney, D.D. Reeves
Science in the Walker River Basin
The Walker River begins in the Sierra Nevada as the East Walker River and the West Walker River. In Mason Valley, just south of Yerington, Nevada, the rivers converge to create the the Walker River. The Walker River terminates in Walker Lake.
Nevada Flood Chronology
The lowest annual average precipitation and one of the fastest growing populations in the United States contribute to a tendency for both the general public and land-use planners to underestimate flood hazards in Nevada, despite historical evidence of frequent flooding.
Flood water on Carson River near Nevada Water Science Center Office.
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada.
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada.
Science and Products
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 2001
Water resources data published herein for the 2001 water year comprise the following records:o Water discharge for 168 gaging stations on streams, canals and drains.o Discharge for 146 peak-flow stations and miscellaneous sites, and 14 springs.o Stage and contents for 20 lakes and reservoirs.o Water-quality data for 95 stream, lake, canal, spring, and drain sites, and 53 wells.o Water levels for 9
Kerry T. Garcia, R.H. Munson, R.J. Spaulding, S.L. Vasquez
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 1994
No abstract available.
S.L. Clary, D.R. McClary, Rita Whitney, D.D. Reeves
Science in the Walker River Basin
The Walker River begins in the Sierra Nevada as the East Walker River and the West Walker River. In Mason Valley, just south of Yerington, Nevada, the rivers converge to create the the Walker River. The Walker River terminates in Walker Lake.
Nevada Flood Chronology
The lowest annual average precipitation and one of the fastest growing populations in the United States contribute to a tendency for both the general public and land-use planners to underestimate flood hazards in Nevada, despite historical evidence of frequent flooding.
Carson River Next to Morgan Mill Rd
Flood water on Carson River near Nevada Water Science Center Office.
Flood water on Carson River near Nevada Water Science Center Office.
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada.
Flood in 2017 along Carson River, Nevada.