Sylvia N Wilson
Sylvia Wilson is a forester and a remote sensing scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, National Land Imaging Program.
Her current area of work is on land use change and the impact of forest change in carbon emission as well as ecosystem services provided by tropical forest. Sylvia serves as the Program Manager for the USGS Government SilvaCarbon Program. The SilvaCarbon program aims to transfer innovative and practical uses of Earth Observations to mitigate forest change and carbon emissions. She is leading the program efforts by providing technical guidance to governments and decision makers on issues related to forest monitoring and inventory, and the use of innovative satellite-based monitoring systems. She serves as the United States liaison with the GEO flagship -Global Forest Observation Initiative in the efforts of building capacity in the use of Satellite Earth Observations for forest monitoring globally. She is the USGS liaison in several international partnerships including the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), Amerigeoss, Afrigeoss, and The Food and Agriculture Organization UN REDD+ program.